Rather they contribute to keeping algae under control. Amano shrimp make great tankmates for betta fish! Ghost shrimp are also known as feeder shrimp. Also, unlike some other snail species, Ramshorn snails do not generally eat healthy, live plants, although they will munch on dying vegetation, helping to tidy the tank. Close. If you’re not sure how your betta is going to react to other tank mates, then you should definitely start with ghost shrimp. Yes, you read that correctly, a catfish as an algae eater fish and a very attractive … Although the two species look similar, the Chinese algae eater is a much more aggressive fish that may not be a good tankmate for a betta. You’ll always notice them stuck to something as they’re removing algae to consume. You may have heard that guppies are incompatible with betta fish, however, this isn’t entirely true. Lastly, if you’re going to keep corydoras in your tank you can expect them to live up to 5 years. Marketing PermissionsPlease select all the ways you would like to hear from Betta Care Fish Guide: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. Just feed them a small algae wafer or some blanched vegetables once a week. Siamese algae eaters will eat any algae that are growing on your plants without eating the plants, unlike some species of snails. Remember, they’re also docile and naturally peaceful, so if your betta is aggressive it’s still best to avoid adding them to your tank. But if you add a few to your tank you won’t need to worry about buying more as they’ll naturally reproduce. The eBook “How To Build An Aquarium Bonsai Tree” will teach you step by step how you can make an underwater bonsai tree and turn your tank into an underwater garden! When keeping Malaysian trumpet snails you want to make sure that the pH is between 6.5 – 8 and the temperature is between 70 – 80°F. Algae Eaters For 30 Gallon Betta Tank Siamese Algae Eater (Flying Fox). Once again plecos are great at eating algae but it shouldn’t be their only source of food. You should also keep the water temperature between 76 – 84°F for your rabbit snail as well. However, when they do reach their full size it can often be 5″. First of all, you’re going to need to cover your tank if as they will definitely have no problem climbing out. However, remember, that you can also add them to larger tanks if you want. My top 5 algae eaters for small/nano aquariums. One big thing you need to be aware of is the fact that guppies are live-bearers. 374 374. Cherry shrimp also don’t need any specific parameters to survive in your tank. You may also wish to avoid twig catfish if you’re a novice fish keeper as they require a little more care than other fish on the list. Although plecos mostly eat algae, you will need to supplement their diet with a small amount of protein to keep them healthy, ideally by feeding them freeze-dried or frozen brine shrimp or daphnia. I figured they'd be good with each other. However, as always, due diligence is still required if you have a particularly aggressive betta. (Want to know more about keeping endlers livebearers and bettas together? Adding freeze-dried or frozen food such as daphnia and brine shrimp is a great way to do this. Whiptail catfish do require dietary supplementation, but they do extract most of their nutrients from algae, and a small school of these guys will make light work of keeping your tank algae-free. He's a bit smaller than my Betta, Gary. Malaysian trumpet snails eat mostly algae and plant matter that has dropped onto the substrate. If you’re leaning more towards snails over shrimp then you should definitely consider Malaysian trumpet snails. Ramshorn snails can grow up to 2cm in length and are voracious algae eaters. u/Ko_Kock. (While you can keep them in pairs, it’s often recommended to keep them in groups of 4-6 for the best chance of happiness and survival.). Subscribe below and not only will you be up to date on everything betta, but you’ll also receive a free eBook. They are usually only aggressive towards other Bettas and shouldn’t bother most other fish. And lastly, cherry shrimp aren’t going to require a lot of upkeep. If you’re keeping nerite snails it may be best to avoid loaches who will try to eat them. Posted by. 3 years ago. Siamese algae eaters are active and quick which makes it easier for them to jump from the water. (If you like the sound of snails, here are the top 6 choices for your betta’s tank.). If you don’t fancy cherry shrimp then why not try a Ramshorn snail. Bristlenose plecos are large fish, growing up to five inches in length and have an average lifespan of five years. Siamese Algae Eater In most cases, people have mistaken the Siamese Algae Eater for the Flying Fox Fish because the two species look so similar. Especially if they’re beginning to die. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. Although they’re going to have a mostly plant diet (most of which consisting of algae), you should also supplement it with protein too. Siamese algae eaters need to be kept alone or in … While individual pleco species will require different pH levels and temperatures, in general, you should keep the pH between 6.5 – 7.5 and the temperature between 72-84°F. While they’re not the most productive shrimp on the list they’re still going to help remove algae. In this article, we give you all the information that you’ll need to choose the ideal algae eater that will help keep your betta’s environment clean and tidy. However, if you’re housing a betta then you should always keep them in at least 5 gallons. Nerite snails are slightly bigger than Ramshorn snails and they can grow up to 1 inch in length (2.5cm). Your email address will not be published. But if you keep reading you’ll learn about other great bottom dwellers that love algae! By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Brown Algae In Betta Tanks (Complete Guide), 8 Best Filters For 5 Gallon Betta Tanks (And Normal Tanks), Best Betta Fish Tanks (Top 5 Fish Tanks For Bettas), 22 Algae Eaters For 55+ Gallon Betta Tanks. Not only this but their skin is also covered in a boney armor, so if your betta does try to attack them it’s not going to do much. So if you plan on adding Corys make sure you add at least 4 which will bring a 10 gallon tank up to its maximum bioload, including your betta fish. However, it is important to note, that mollies aren’t going to get rid of loads of algae, however, they can put a dent in it. You need to make sure the temperature of your tank is between 75-80°F and the pH is between 7 – 8. There are several reasons why algae may begin to pop up in your tank. While they look similar, Chinese algae eaters are a lot more aggressive. These are social critters who will not thrive if kept alone. Ghost shrimp grow to about one and a half inches in length and live for up to one year. And while you can keep a corydoras catfish on its own it’s always better to keep them in groups of 4-6, because they’re very social. These snails are very slow-growing, ultimately reaching around five inches long, so you’ll need a large tank to accommodate a few of these peaceful creatures. Maximum Size: 6 inches. And for them to live happily you should make sure the pH in the tank is between 6.5 – 7.5 and the temperature is between 68 – 77°F. Siamese Algae Eaters will live well together with some of these shrimps. Siamese algae eaters enjoy eating green hair algae to an extent that some fishkeepers cultivate that on purpose. Cherry shrimp are some of the smallest algae eaters on this list, however, they’re still going to do a great job of removing algae. Plecos are incredible algae eaters, and they will happily consume all kinds of plant waste too. As well as that you can also add sinking algae wafers every once in a while to make sure they’re getting enough food. Related Questions. They’ll even eat algae off the substrate! they are all three in a 2.5 gallon filtered tank together. Archived. Especially in tanks that are warmer. Removing algae from your tank is simply an aesthetic exercise. I just got a Siamese Algae Eater. They need a pH between 6 – 8 and a temperature between 75 – 81°F. If you wish to keep these fish long term it is recommended that they are housed in a species only tank to prevent injuries or loss of other fish. One of the best things about Malaysian trumpet snails is the fact they rarely eat live plants. One thing to take note of is the conditions they need to survive. Because of their lack of a flowing tail (and color in the case of black mollies), your betta will rarely see them as a threat to himself. Plecos also enjoy the cellulose from the bark of submerged wood, as it helps their digestive process. Like all the live plants in your aquarium, algae remove a small amount of the nitrates from your aquarium water, although it should never be viewed as a standalone method of nitrate reduction. Siamese algae eaters are excellent tank cleaners (hence the name) with the only caveat that they grow big — around 6 inches, so a bigger tank is required to house them comfortably. And while each of them will make a great addition, you should take into consideration the size of your tank as well as your own personal preference. In addition to this, they’re also larger than other shrimp species, which means they’re too large to be eaten by your betta. They’re great at removing a lot of algae from your tank, however, their food will need to be supplemented with other types of food including meat, alive or frozen. One is docile and is in the community tank, while the other one lives alone as he is very aggressive with the fishes, esp. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a lot in your tank. However, you should be supplementing its menu with commercially bought algae wafers, live food, catfish pellets, and meaty foods as well. You can begin to add some bottom dwellers to your tank as well as a few more fish. Can Amano Shrimp And Bettas Live Together? I also have two of the algae moss balls on the bottom. Snails can also make suitable algae-eating tankmates for your betta, especially in smaller aquariums. You’ll also learn how to create the perfect environment for mates, how to introduce tank mates and much more! Learn more about how to keep guppies with bettas. Can Ghost Shrimp And Bettas Live Together? If you’re interested in knowing about 30 other tank mates that can live with your betta then check out this HUGE list of betta tank mates! Another great thing about Malaysian trumpet snails is the way they look. Cherry shrimp are tiny, brightly colored shrimp that make an attractive addition to a display tank, as well as removing algae from the tank glass, plants, and ornaments. That being said adding the occasional algae wafer or blanched zucchini once a week is going to make them extremely happy. Algae eaters for the planted aquarium. They can keep your tank free of algae without the need of adding chemicals or high tech equipment. Siamese Algae Eater . Siamese algae eater in betta tank. Tank Size and Conditions: Min tank size of 30 gallons. One thing you do need to be aware of is the fact that when you first add them to your tank there’s a strong chance a lot of them will die. However, while you can keep one on its own in a 30 gallon, a group of 5 is going to need at least 40 gallons to be happy. Most shrimp make good algae eaters, but because of an Amano shrimps large size you don’t have to worry about them being eaten by other fish in the tank, including your betta. You’ll often notice them swimming around in a group all foraging the floor looking for algae. Scientific Name: Crossocheilussiamensis Common Name: Siamese Algae Eater / SAE Temperament: Peaceful Care Level: Easy Lifespan: Up to 10 Years Colour Form: Gold/Grey with Black Stripe Diet: Omnivore Size: up to 6 inches Family: Cyprinidae Water Temperature: 20 – 26 °C pH: 6.0 – 7.5 Water Hardness: 18 – 268 ppm Compatibility: Peaceful Set-Up of Tank:Freshwater, Heavily Planted There are so many different ones you can choose, but then you need to take into account their individual needs, whether your betta will get along with them, what size tank they need, etc. Corydoras catfish are excellent betta companions, living at the bottom of the tank, grazing on algae, and vacuuming up fragments of uneaten food that drifts down from above. Can You Put A Betta Fish With Other Fish? SAE’s can grow up to 6 inches in size and live for up 10 years. Because of this, you need to make sure that there’s enough current for them to catch algae from. There really is no minimum size for any fish or invertebrate. Also known as the spotted Nerite, tiger snail or zebra snail, these are foliage eaters, and are extremely hardy fish. To make this as simple as possible the list will be in ascending order going from smaller tanks to larger tanks. However, just like Corydoras, they won’t solely live off algae. You may not have heard of a Siamese algae eater (SAE) before, and the truth is they’re... Otocinclus Catfish. Cherry shrimp live for one to two years, growing up to just two inches long. Compatible With: Great for community aquariums, and have be housed with a wide range of fish including tetras, other barbs, plecos and corydoras etc. The Siamese Algae Eater (typically Crossocheilus langei; Crossocheilus siamensis; or Crossocheilus oblongus) is perhaps best known for being one of the few fish that will eat black beard (or brush) algae and hair algae. And each pair will need 12 gallons of water to thrive. If your betta is particularly aggressive you can even add a Plecostomus without too much worry. Corydoras catfish are a great algae eater to add to your tank, especially with a betta. I have some hair algae outbreaks and read about them eating them . It actually started out with one betta and five Cory and then the Cory laid eggs which actually Survived to adulthood, which is pretty cool. Otocinclus catfish are relatively small fish, growing to just two inches in length. The pleco is a voracious algae- and waste-eater, hugging the sides of the tank far away from the middle and top swimming zones the betta occupies. If you’re interested to know more about tank mates that can live with bettas then you have to check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. If you keep female guppies with male bettas, their dull colors and lack of flowing fins means that they’re not likely to be seen as a threat. You’ll need a heater to keep the water within a range of 75-79°F. Plecos are not aggressive, and they’re armored with tiny spines that will deter your betta if he decides to attack one. This video is about the Siamensis Algae eater which does a nice job of controlling Algae in your fishtank. Unlike the Chinese Algae Eater the Siamese Algae Eater eats lots of algae. Keeping a lid on the tank makes sure that you don’t come home to a fatal escape attempt. Algae will often vigorously grow if you leave your aquarium light on for too long. If you are going to get plecos then you should stick to rubberlip, pit-bull and clown plecos, as they grow smaller than a lot of their counterparts. If you take good care of your Ramshorn snails then they can live for up to a year. Care Level: Moderate. If … Endlers livebearers also aren’t predominantly algae eaters, they will need to be fed fish flakes, live food, etc. The Nerite is a species of small freshwater snail that grows to just over an inch in diameter as an adult, making the Nerite snail with betta fish a perfect space companion. If you’re not sure you can keep your betta with fish then you can also try adding a rabbit snail to your tank. You can keep up to 5 cherry shrimp per gallon of water in an aquarium. If you plan on keeping endlers livebearers, as the name suggests, they’re going to give birth to live fry. There are many bottom-dwelling fish species that get along fine with bettas, and they eat algae too, so adding a few of these guys to your community setup is a win-win! When you do add ramshorn snails into your tank you should make sure that the pH level is between 6.5 – 7.5 and the temperature is between 70 – 80°F. While they can eat algae, you’ll also need to supplement their diet with algae wafers, and vegetables as well. Name: Siamese Algae Eater. Shrimp don’t need much space to be happy, so they’re the ideal choice for a betta tank of modest size. Shrimp enjoy similar water conditions to betta fish. On top of that, to give your SAE’s the best chance of survival you’ll need to keep them in temperatures between 75 – 79°F and a pH level between 6.5 – 7. The Siamese Algae Eater will get 11" and need 40g+ and will get very aggressive when he is an adult. One of the best things about ramshorn snails is that if your aquarium has enough plants in it then they don’t tend to eat live plants. These guys can grow to around six inches in size, and they live for up to 10 years, which is why you need a big tank if you want to keep them. They do a great job, especially in a betta tank and will not bother your betta. If you don’t fancy Ramshorn snails then why not consider Nerite snails. Instead of eating algae from the plants and substrate, they filter feed from the water currents. They look very similar with long bodies with black stripes. The flying fox looks very similar, but fish owners can look for a few differences to ensure that they’re getting the right fish. This will give them plenty of room to swim around and graze. You’ll be surprised how much algae you notice them eating. If you can get hold of a couple of twig catfish, they’re going to make short work of any algae in your tank. However, while they may be better at eating algae than Ramshorn snails, they do come with their problems. One plus point of this species of snails is that they don’t tend to eat live plants unless there is no other food source in the tank. However, if it falls slightly under 7 you don’t have to worry too much. Learn more about Mailchimp’s privacy practices here. So you should keep at least 3 in a 55-gallon tank. First of all, they don’t have the same long flowing tails that guppies have, and while they’re colorful, they’re not as bright as guppies (especially the females). You can help to keep your betta tank free from algae, or at least control its growth, by introducing one or more algae eaters to the community. These cute crustaceans are peaceful creatures that eat algae, especially hair algae, although they will eat most other species too. They grow up to 2cm in length and love eating algae. Just wondering if Siamese algae eater will do in a betta sorority tank . Of the snail species that make good algae eaters to keep with bettas, Malaysian trumpet snails are one of the most attractive aquarium snail species, coming with a variety of different colored and patterned shells. That said, you will need to supplement the cory’s diet with a flake or pellet food to be sure that they receive all the nutrition that they need to thrive. However, if you can’t find this information out then they can survive in a temperature between 70-80°F and a pH level between 6 – 7.5. Also, rabbit snails breed slowly, so you won’t be overrun with them, which can happen with other snail species. Rabbit snails are going to eat any algae that’s in your tank and they should avoid most types of live plant as well. Temperature 75-79F. They also eat all kinds of commercial flake and pellet foods, but must get sufficient algae and vegetable matter, such as fresh zucchini, romaine lettuce, spinach or spirulina pellets. Rather they forage along the bottom of the tank looking for food. If you have live plants in your betta tank, you will most likely see algae growing in there too. The sudden change in water parameters often takes a toll on them, however, if they survive the initial introduction then they’re going to be hardy little fish. One thing you should be aware of is that while SAE’s are voracious algae eaters when they’re young, as they get older they start to prefer pellets etc. Corydoras grow to around two to three inches and are happiest when kept in small schools of at least four. When it comes to keeping them with your betta you’ll soon find out that they’re extremely docile peaceful fish, to the point they’ll only run away. But first of all, what is algae, and how does it finish up in your tank in the first place? ), (If you’re thinking about upgrading to a 10-gallon tank, here are the best 10-gallon tanks for bettas.). You will also notice that they shed an exoskeleton every so often. Are hardy fish. ) most productive shrimp on the list they re... Between 72 – 82°F and a pH between 6.5 – 8 get ''. At it with plenty of hiding places for your fish or invertebrate 12 gallons water! Climbing out re still going to need to have to worry too much.. 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