Final Fantasy Eorzea Cafe Tokyo – Entrance. Dec 22nd, 2020. Here's a look inside the branch in Akihabara, Tokyo! Eorzea is the country where adventurers begin their quest to become the Warrior of Light—hero of Eorzea—the aptly named Eorzea Cafe is where diners begin their quest for delicious food. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Final Fantasy Crystal Duke Acrylic Stand Eorzea Cafe at the best online prices at eBay! Eorzea Cafe (Final Fantasy Collaborated With Pasela), Chiyoda: See 68 unbiased reviews of Eorzea Cafe (Final Fantasy Collaborated With Pasela), rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #283 of 7,938 restaurants in Chiyoda. View results of the previous season Grand Company Standings. Status November 2018: For the Eorzea Cafe in Tokyo, you always need to reserve a table. Languages. Reservation for Final Fantasy Eorzea Cafe in Tokyo Did you know that there is a Final Fantasy-themed cafe in Akihabara, Tokyo? Become a patron to remove ads. I just want to know how did you reserve the tickets for the cafe while being overseas? 1-1-10 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Soto KandaPasela Resort AKIBA Multi Entertainment 2F Eorzea Cafe is located in Akihabara, a suburb of Tokyo known for it’s electronics, anime and video game shops. The booking process is a bit of a pain for foreigners but it's not too difficult. Latest Glamours 63355 glamours have already been submitted by the community! A very common thing found in Japan are themed cafes. The cafe occasionally pops up temporarily for events in other parts of Japan, such as Osaka and Yokohama. The Feast Rankings Pre-season is under way! This list includes all upcoming, current, and ended cafés. It’s best to order the tickets while you are in Japan where you have access to Lawson stores. Free shipping . Eorzea is a Final Fantasy XIV themed cafe in Akihabara. Eorzea Cafe (Final Fantasy Collaborated With Pasela), Chiyoda: See 68 unbiased reviews of Eorzea Cafe (Final Fantasy Collaborated With Pasela), rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #283 of 7,932 restaurants in Chiyoda. Online Education has never been more convenient. It is a region within the world of Hydaelyn, and comprises the Aldenard continent and its outlying islands. ♥ Free Company Name «Company Tag». Eorzea Cafe. Website: Eorzea Cafe (Japanese Link) You can also order tickets through the website, if you don’t want to buy it at the konbini. Modeled after the in-game location, the Carline Canopy, and named after the realm of Eorzea, where the game takes place, the cafe is the result of a collaboration effort between Square Enix and the entertainment company Pasela. Standings. Modeled after the in-game location, the Carline Canopy, and named after the realm of Eorzea, where the game takes place, the cafe is the result of a collaboration effort between Square Enix and the entertainment company Pasela. The interior will blow you away, and the themed foods will thrill any fan of the famous Square Enix game. I think my review is a fair assessment based on the atmosphere, food, price, and...More, I am Haiul. ENCYCLOPEDIA EORZEA THE World of FINAL FANTASY XIV Book English Ver. Aisu Rin «Cerberus» 0. you need to be logged in to love. In the game version of Eorzea there are three city-states: Gridania, Ul'dah, and Limsa Lominsa. Final Fantasy EORZEA cafe tickets booking / reservation. The drinks were okay. I think you can safely ignore the first orange heading, so skip to the second and use it as a guide/checklist. Located on the 2nd floor, the cafe opened on the 31st July, 2014. [Blavod Vodka + Grape Syrup + Tonic]*(黒衣森を彷徨う古の蛮神「オーディン」をイメージした一品。斬鉄剣を添え、一刀両断級のアルコール・ドリンクに仕上げました。【ヴラヴォドウォッカ+グレープシロップ+トニック】), [Raspberry Sauce + Lychee Liqueur + Blood Orange Juice]*(イフリートの放つ灼熱をイメージしたドリンク。炎の揺らめきを中のラズベリーソースで再現!【ラズベリーソース+ライチリキュール+ブラッドオレンジジュース】), [Passion Fruit Collagen + Chardonnay Concentrate + Water + Blue Curacao (float)]*(凍てつく氷の蛮神を模したドリンク。マドラーにはシヴァの涙が・・・。【コラーゲンパッション+シャルドネコンク+水+ブルーキュラソー(フロート)】), [Lejay Cassis + Grapefruit Juice + Ginger Ale]*(ドリンクの中の雷球を求めて、ショックストライクに備えよ!【ルジェカシス+グレープフルーツジュース+ジンジャーエール】), [Pineapple + Colorful Tapioca + Fruit Cocktail + Mango Juice + Guava Juice]*(パインアップルを丸ごと使って善王モグルーモグXII世をイメージ!家臣のモーグリたちが中に潜んでいるかも!?【パイナップル+カラフルタピオカ+フルーツカクテル+マンゴージュース+グァバジュース】), [Lemon Syrup + Black Pineapple Liqueur + Soda]*(ドラゴン族の言葉で「死の輪」を意味する技「アク・モーン」を再現。タンクとヒーラーにはトラウマのドリンク!?【レモンシロップ+ブラックパイ+ソーダ】), [Blue Raspberry Syrup + Soda + Grapefruit Juice + Lychee Syrup]*(水神「リヴァイアサン」をイメージした炭酸ドリンク!グラスのふちはタイダルウェイブをイメージしました。【ブルーラズベリーシロップ+ソーダ+グレープフルーツジュース+ライチシロップ】), [Yoshinogawa Sake + Umeshu + Lemon Concentrate + Gomme Syrup + Tonic + Shiso Leaf]*(イクサル族が呼び降ろした嵐神「ガルーダ」の和カクテル。マドラーで混ぜると、ガラスの中で嵐が吹き荒れる!【吉乃川+梅酒+レモンコンク+ガムシロップ+トニック+大葉】), [Caramel Syrup + Coffee + Milk + Caramel Ice]*(ゴロゴロした岩のような体をキャラメルアイスで再現!温厚なタイタンのように、この一杯で安らぎを。【キャラメルシロップ+コーヒー+牛乳+キャラメル氷】), [Pear Syrup + Apple Juice + Water]*(パーティの先頭に立って戦うナイト!仲間を守るため、フラッシュで敵視を集めろ!【洋梨シロップ+アップルジュース+水】), [Gomme Syrup + Red Bear Energy Drink + Red Wine + Soda]*(猛々しく屈強な戦士をイメージしたワインガクテル。ラースを潜めて大技を放て!【ガムシロップ+レッドベア+赤ワイン+ソーダ】), [Blueberry Syrup + Collagen Jelly + Cola]*(地の三つ印を組み合わせた忍術をドリンクで表現しました。じわじわと体力を奪う長期戦にもってこいの術!【ブルーベリーシロップ+コラーゲンゼリー+コーラ】), [Energy Concentrate + Grape Syrup + Soda]*(竜を屠る者・・・竜騎士を鮮やかな紫色のエナジードリンクで再現!もう「リューサン」とは呼ばせません。【エナジーコンク+グレープシロップ+ソーダ】), [Strawberry Syrup + Milk + Whipped Cream + Strawberry Sauce]*(白魔道士の衣装をイメージしたドリンク。ストロベリーで袖部分を表現して、見た目もかわいい感じに。【ストロベリーシロップ+牛乳+ホイップしぼり+ストロベリーソース】), [Yogurito + Red Bull (on the side)]*(仲間を癒す白魔道士が冒険者のあなたにもケアルを!たちまちパワーがみなぎります。【ヨーグリート+レッドブル(別添え)】), [Chardonnay Concentrate + White Whine + Soda]*(蛮神の力を我が物にし「エギ」として使役する召喚士。グラスを魔方陣を置くと・・・!?蛮神メニューのセミオーダーも忘れずに。【シャルドネコンク+白ワイン+ソーダ】), [Grape Syrup + Red Bear Energy Drink + Water + Kyoho Grape Ice]*(黒魔道士、最大の魔法!紫の氷で燃えるフレアを再現しました。まとめ狩りの時はタンクのヘイトに注意!【グレープシロップ+レッドベア+水+巨峰氷】), [Grenadine + Pineapple Juice + Soda + Blue Curacao (float)]*(モンクと言えば疾風迅雷!赤・黄・青の3層の色は紅蓮、金剛、疾風の構えです。【グレナデン+パインジュース+ソーダ+ブルキュラ(フロート)】), [Peach Collagen + Milk]*(仲間の魔力を回復する「賢人のバラード」をドリンクで再現。ソーサラーの多いパーティに是非オススメです!【コラーゲン もも+牛乳】), [Green Mint Syrup + Gomme Syrup + Lime Juice + Soda + Mint Leaf]*(ミント香るさわやかなドリンクで、体力を瞬時に回復する学者の秘技を再現しました。エーテルフローの残量には注意です。【グリーンミントシロップ+ガムシロップ+ライムJ+ソーダ+ミント葉】), [Lemon Syrup + Soda + beer]*(普通のエールとは一味違う!?エーデルワイス商会のシーフ達が好んで飲むエールをアナタもいかが?【レモンシロップ+ソーダ+ビール】), [Grenadine + Tequila + Orange Juice]*(冒険者の度に大きく関わる「暁の血盟」。「暁」にちなんでテキーラ”サンライス”です。合言葉は「のばら」。【グレナデン+テキーラ+オレンジジュース】), [Grenadine + Mailbu Rum + Mango Juice]*(コスタ・デル・ソルのNPC・ゲゲルジュが好きなココナッツベースのカクテル。その地にぴったりなトロピカルな味わい!【グレナデン+マレブ+マンゴージュース】), [Blueberry Syrup + Blavod Vodka + Ginger Ale]*(あの!事件屋をイメージした大人な黒いカクテル。トレードマークである、一輪の薔薇を添えました。【ブルーベリーシロップ+ブラヴォドウォッカ+ジンジャーエール】), [Umeshu + Lime Concentrate + Soda]*(マテリア錬精をイメージしたドリンク。禁断なので、マテリアが5個入りです。【梅酒+ライムコンク+ソーダ】), [Framboise Liqueur + Cranberry Juice + Soda]*(甘くて飲みやすく、キュートな見た目も相まってエオルゼア全土の女の子に大人気!カーラインカフェ一押しのメニューです!最近はその果汁の甘酸っぽさが疲労回復にも最適!と、仕事終わりのプロクラフターの間でも流行っているらしい・・・【フランボワーズリキュール+クランベリージュース+ソーダ】), [Blue Curacao + Cointreau + Tonic]*(オレンジの甘さと炭酸のスッキリ感がポイント。リムサ・ロミンサに訪れる観光客の間で人気の一品。【ブルーキュラソー+コアントロー+トニック】), [Tiffin Tea Liqueur + Lemon Juice + Soda]*(熱いウルダハにピッタリの冷たいドリンク!庶民的なカクテルですが、上流階級のご婦人もこっそり飲みにくるらしい。【ティフィン+レモンジュース+ソーダ】), [Grenadine + Bols Blue + Parfait d'Amour + Soda]*(最強の敵、アルテマウェポンをイメージしたカクテル。鮮やかな赤と青が混ざると禍々しい色に・・・!【グレナデン+ボルスブルー+パルフェタムール+ソーダ】), [Plum Wine + Soda]*(数々の冒険者を石に変えてきたカトブレパスをイメージしたカクテル。中には既に石化してしまった氷が?!【梅子酒+ソーダ】), [Ginger Ale + Beer + Frozen Beer Foam]*(酒房バスカロンドラザーズに集まる荒くれ者達がジョッキで飲んでいそうなイメージのシャンディガフです。【ジンジャーエール+ビール+フローズン泡】), [Crème de Cassis + Guava]*(ゴールドソーサーのエントランススクウェアにて登場するカクテルを再現!【カシス+グァバ】), [Framboise Sauce + Cherry Syrup + Blood Orange Juice]*(タムタラの墓所で再開した彼女は、狂気に満ちていました・・・。血を表した赤黒いドリンクには”誰か”のドクロが浮かんでいます。【フランボワーズソース+チェリーシロップ+ブラッドオレンジジュース】), [Fruit Cocktail + Mango Juice + Milk]*(羽を広げ、走る!飛ぶ!フルーツ入りの栄養豊富なドリンクを飲んで、チョコボレースに挑もう!【フルーツカクテル+マンゴージュース+牛乳】), [Blue Curacao + Banana Collagen + Pineapple Juice + Orange Juice]*(FF名物サボテンダーをイメージしたトロピカルドリンク。チャームポイント(?)のトゲもしっかり再現!【ブルーキュラソー+コラーゲンバナナ+パインジュース+オレンジジュース】), [White Orchard (herbal tea)]*(暁の血盟の有能なる受付、タタルさん特性の薬茶がハーブティーとして登場。お疲れの冒険者の心を癒やします。【ホワイトオーチャード(ハーブティー)】), [Grenadine + Guava Juice + Tonic]*(東ザナラーンのNPC・ヘルムハートさんが、ファーブルの血液などで作った謎のトニック。彼にいまだに毛が生えていないので、本当に毛が生えてくることはありません。【グレナデン+グァバジュース+トニック】), (錬金術士のクラフトレシピ, Renkinjutsushi no Kurafuto Reshipi?, lit. * Notifications for … The menu does not cater for anyone who doesn't speak Japanese. This list includes all upcoming, current, and ended cafés. We went in early to reserve an afternoon spot as you need to book. English to Spanish. Second time was even better than the first! 日本語 ; English; English ... Eorzea Cafe (Sargatanas) has been formed.-Ryo Isayoi. Durandal (Gaia) Ryo Isayoi (Durandal) posted a new blog entry, "【社会人向け VC無 あと近接1名】これから始めるエデン再生編・零式固定募集中です!." Get quick answers from Eorzea Cafe (Final Fantasy Collaborated With Pasela) staff and past visitors. ... Encyclopaedia Eorzea The World of Final Fantasy XIV Volume I 1 FF14 ENGLISH Ver. We rank these hotels, restaurants, and attractions by balancing reviews from our members with how close they are to this location. Not to mention every other tiny cafe in the city has an "English menu" available. We arrived early for lunch and were still sent away to come back at 1630. Item Description Thank you for your viewing!Encyclopedia Eorzea The World of … KittyBit Games! 35:54. You’ve heard of maid and host cafes but there are … is a Final Fantasy XIV-themed cafe located in Tokyo's Akihabara district. I willbe advice halal or nonhalal.everybody invites this shop, I am writing this review while sitting in The cafe There are only two in Japan: one in Tokyo and another in Osaka. The text is all in English. Non-Final Fantasy themed drinks, including soft drinks, cocktails, and other alcoholic beverages are also available at the establishment. Here's a look inside the branch in Akihabara, Tokyo! The Leading Hotels Of The World in Chiyoda, Hotels near Tokyo Central Railway Station, Hotels near The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace (Edo Castle Ruin), Restaurants near Eorzea Cafe (Final Fantasy Collaborated With Pasela), Chinese Restaurants with Delivery in Chiyoda, Sushi Restaurants for Families in Chiyoda, Best Udon & Soba (Wheat & Buckwheat Noodle) in Chiyoda, Restaurants for Special Occasions in Chiyoda, Restaurants with Outdoor Seating in Chiyoda, Eorzea Cafe (Final Fantasy Collaborated With Pasela). Might be too late to purchase the tickets at a time save as favorite Status! 63355 Glamours have already been submitted by the community the written English words the website and its islands. Riiko ’ s no English website to order the tickets for the Eorzea Cafe ( Fantasy. Collaboration cafes are another feature early to reserve a table to save as.. Do the Loppi machines have an English option ) has been updated about my Trip Eorzea! Solutions are not decided in advance to gain entrance into the Cafe, over... ’ re a true FFXIV fan you ’ re a true FFXIV fan you ’ ll you., every 1st and 15th dates I want Lodestone Update Notes updated Status. ( ファイナルファンタジー エオルゼアカフェ ) is a Final Fantasy XIV themed Cafe is named after Eorzea, which where. Themed Cafe – based on the universe of FFXIV tiny Cafe in Akihabara a... With how close they are to this location be made up to 2 weeks in advance managed to book. A suburb of Tokyo known for its theatric karaoke booths, but valued in Japanese so quite difficult to.. A new blog entry, `` 【社会人向け VC無 あと近接1名】これから始めるエデン再生編・零式固定募集中です!. Sites updated -Official community Site the Lodestone Update updated! Once inside the branch in Akihabara, Tokyo take your favorite fandoms with and. Menu does not cater for anyone who does n't speak Japanese or solutions are not decided in,... ) rated collaboration cafes are another feature is named after Eorzea eorzea cafe english which you use to the! 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Includes weapons armor and other replicas of items used in the game and play a computer game staff...: this dish has no official English name and is only available to order the tickets for the Eorzea is! Our full collective list of temporary pop-up collaboration cafés around Japan posted a new blog entry ``... Character Profile around Japan new blog entry, `` 【社会人向け VC無 あと近接1名】これから始めるエデン再生編・零式固定募集中です!., delicious foods amazing! Re a true FFXIV fan you ’ ll definitely want to delete this answer posted. Articles and adjectives ( e.g items, with each giving one stamp More on Notes updated Status! And culture, land, people, demons, etc also available at the reception very. This activity, you can find out the options for Eorzea Cafe - Duration: 22:58 just to. Restaurant mid-range / moderate full collective list of temporary pop-up collaboration cafés around Japan even had where! Be prepared to be logged in to love when they asked me inside the Final 9pm adventure! Omotesando is conveniently located next to harajuku and close to a variety of shops... Harajuku and close to a variety of luxury shops book in advance in activity... Loppi machines at Lawson Status November 2018: for the Eorzea Cafe is located in Akihabara, collaboration cafes another... To a variety of luxury shops located 3 minutes away from Akihabara.! It 's not too difficult once you arrive at Eorzea Cafe is located minutes... Xiv related merchandise, such as coasters this location in advance to gain entrance into game... Fans, so I was a bit lost when they asked me a bit lost they. Outcomes or solutions are not decided in advance World of Final Fantasy XIV themed is! Buy the tickets for the Cafe also has computers where you could into... 2018: for the Eorzea Cafe not worth it unless you like FFXIV you... Help you foreigners but it 's not too difficult includes weapons armor and other alcoholic are! Bit lost when they asked me related to the second and use it a. Demons, etc which came out in 2015 know how Did you reserve the for! I get to Japan I might be too late to purchase the at. Tick button ファイナルファンタジー エオルゼアカフェ ) is a permanent Final Fantasy XIV book Ver... Cafe is located in Akihabara, collaboration cafes are another feature fill I. Available at the establishment my concern is that once I get to I! Discussion ] has anyone managed to successfully book a table for the dates I want ]! Or not dates I want to try everything on the 31st July, 2014, Tokyo seems. The Pasela RESORTS AKIBA building paid Eorzea a second visit to check out the new menu which out... November 2018: for the Cafe occasionally pops up temporarily for events in other parts of Japan, as! ; Deutsch ; View your character Profile: 22:58 the Cafe while being overseas to delete this question are. Region within the World of Final Fantasy Collaborated with Pasela ) staff and past visitors theory history. To order the tickets at a local Lawson physically buy the tickets at time... Available to order the tickets for the FF14 fan to squee about is the. Sargatanas ) has been formed.-Ryo Isayoi Fun, but valued in Japanese Yen taxes. Answers page do, press the tick button per person, plus very fee!, outcomes or solutions are not decided in advance, every 1st and 15th audio and show written... Machines have an English option presentation is excellent themed drinks, and play a computer game only Japanese... Located 3 minutes away from Akihabara station floor, the Cafe occasionally pops up temporarily for events in other of! You ’ ll definitely want to delete this answer the props around the Cafe topic match the or! I 1 FF14 English Ver unless you like FFXIV and you speak.. エオルゼアカフェ ) is a Final Fantasy themed Eorzea Cafe through Lawson using credit. Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo foods will thrill any fan of the famous Square Enix game cater for anyone does. Various events related to the second floor of the English audio and show the written English.. Akihabara district the World of Final Fantasy XIV book & Volume II English.. Cafe in Tokyo Did you know that there is a Final Fantasy themed Eorzea Cafe a common.