South of the latter is the irregular and deeply broken Loja basin, which can hardly be considered a part of the great Ecuador plateau. The animal is ` brown,' of a shade from orange or tawny to quite blackish; the tail and feet are ordinarily the darkest, the head lightest, often quite whitish; the ears usually have a whitish rim, while on the throat there is usually a large tawny-yellowish or orange-brown patch, from the chin to the fore legs, sometimes entire, sometimes broken into a number of smaller, irregular blotches, sometimes wanting, sometimes prolonged on the whole under surface, when the animal is bicolor like a stoat in summer. Certain nouns have irregular plurals because they do not follow the rules for forming plurals by adding an "s" or "es." Its scena is of rather irregular shape, and borders one of the narrow ends of the agora. The older and more picturesque quarter is situated directly on the Somme; its narrow and irregular streets are intersected by the eleven arms of the river and it is skirted on the north by the canal derived therefrom. Aphidesand may be easily penetrated by certain Fungi such as Peziza, Nectria; and when thus attacked, the repeated conflicts between the cambium and callus, on the one hand, trying to heal over the wound, and the insect or Fungus, on the other, destroying the new tissues as they are formed, results in irregular growths; the still uninjured cambium area goes on thickening the branch, the dead parts, of course, remain unthickened, and the portion in which the Fungus is at work may for the time being grow more rapidly. The cardiac contractions become irregular, the ventricle assumes curious shapes - "hour-glass," &c. - becomes very pale and bloodless, and finally the heart stops in a state of spasm, which shortly afterwards becomes rigor-mortis. (3) In the steppe the vegetation is that which prevails in similar soil from Central Asia to Algeria; but many of the arborescent plants that grow in the rockier and more irregular plateaux of western Asia, and especially of Persia, have been reported as missing. After several yearly or " general " meetings had been held in different places at irregular intervals as need arose, the first of an uninterrupted series met in 1668. of body numerous and not A, B, C, anterior segments from the distinctive of species, being ventral surface; D, hinder end of body irregular and not fixed in of Urochaeta. thick over large tracts of country in the form of small irregular lumps of a greyish or white colour. The first part consists of an alluvial, low-lying plain formed in great part by the detritus brought down by the mountain streams. The chemical characters of the well-waters, the irregular distribution of the water-pressure, the distribution of the underground thermal gradients, and the occurrence in some of the wells of a tidal rise and fall of a varying period, are facts which are not explained on the simple hydrostatic theory. Although his heartbeat is irregular, he is healthy and robust. by North Carolina and Tennessee, the boundary line being nominally a parallel of latitude, but actually a more irregular line. In wintertime, the cyclonic and anticyclonic areas are of increased frequency and intensity; and it is partly for this reason that many meteorologists have been disposed to regard them as chiefly driven by the irregular flow of the westerly winds, rather than as due to convectional instability, which should have a maximum effect in summer. To the west the Limfjord broadens into an irregular lake, with low, marshy shores and many islands. The geographical distribution of the population of the world is therefore extremely irregular, and, omitting from consideration areas but recently colonized, the density is regulated by the means of subsistence within reach. The tombs are subterranean chambers of varied and often irregular form, sometimes arranged in two storeys, sometimes in several rows one behind the other. This however, may be due to irregularity of division and displacement of the cells by irregular tensions destroying the obvious layerec arrangement. The cylindrical form of jet is unstable if its length is more than 7 times its diameter, and usually the irregular disturbances it receives at the orifice go on growing, and ultimately break it up irregularly into drops which go out at different rates. The western boundary is the Pacific on the south, an irregular line a few miles inland from the coast along the " pan handle " of Alaska to Mount St Elias, and the meridian of 14r° to the Arctic Ocean. The root occurs in fibrous pieces, which are usually rectangular blocks of irregular shape, 2 in. Not the least of these burdens were the personal and irregular drafts of some of the executives upon the treasury and revenue officers, particularly the custom-house of this port, upon which the republic depended for the major part of its revenue. The water is very clear and deep. Due to low and irregular pay, officer desertions were frequent, 2. The general appearance of the town is quaint and irregular, but there are several handsome modern streets. Except at Karasjok, where the diurnal changes seem somewhat irregular, the relative amplitude of the 12-hour term is considerably greater in summer than in winter. Defence is entrusted to a corps of colonial troops, partly Italian and partly native; to a militia (milizia mobile) formed by natives who have already served in the colonial corps; and to the chitet or general levy which, in time of war, places all male able-bodied inhabitants under arms. Then let us suppose that the inter-lamellar junctions already noted in Mytilus become very numerous, large and irregular; by them the two trellis-works of filaments would be united so as to leave only a sponge-like set of spaces between them. have been chiefly directed towards increasing the fighting capacity and readiness for immediate service of the troops in Asia, and towards the better reorganization of the local irregular militia forces. Translations in context of "IS IRREGULAR" in english-german. The varying texture of this rock, its irregular foliation and jointing, and its ramifying veins of pegmatite give it very unequal powers of resistance. Making sure that your verb tense matches your subject in a sentence is an important writing skill for your students. If The Commencement Of The Year, Instead Of Being Retained At The Same Place In The Seasons By A Uniform Method Of Intercalation, Were Made To Depend On Astronomical Phenomena, The Intercalations Would Succeed Each Other In An Irregular Manner, Sometimes After Four Years And Sometimes After Five; And It Would Occasionally, Though Rarely Indeed, Happen, That It Would Be Impossible To Determine The Day On Which The Year Ought To Begin. Nicaragua forms an irregular equilateral triangle with its base stretching for 280 m. Its shape is exceedingly irregular, and its coastline is broken by numerous bays and peninsulas, sometimes of considerable size. At the Hague Conference of 1899 the position of irregular combatants was one of the subjects dealt with, and the rules there adopted were reaffirmed at the Conference of 1907. - A fourth pallial aperture present; pedal aperture small; siphons very short and separate; shell fixed by the right valve, irregular. All the rest of the western Pacific is a region of quite irregular contour. irregular in a sentence - Use "irregular" in a sentence 1. Sentences. Examples of irregular in a sentence, how to use it. In1796-1804he was a commissioner under article 7 of Jay's Treaty of 1794 to determine the claims of American merchants for damage through "irregular or illegal captures or condemnations," and during this time adjusted on behalf of Maryland a claim of the state to stock in the Bank of England. The town is built in a picturesquely irregular manner, and a large part of it consists of districts called "parks" occupied by villas and mansions. Consperse: irregularly dotted or sprinkled. Just like other verbs in English, irregular verbs can be used in forming sentences. Instead of a wellorganized army of the modern type there was merely an undisciplined militia composed almost exclusively of irregular cavalry; and the national defences as a whole were so weak that, in the opinion of such a competent authority as Maurice of Saxony, the country might easily be conquered by a regular army of 48,000 men. A cloud now settled down upon Khartum, and subsequent communications were few and irregular. The rainfall throughout northern and central Arabia is chiefly in the winter months between October and April, and is scanty and irregular. The Kongens Nytorv, the focus of the life of the city and the centre of road communications, is an irregular open space at the head of a narrow arm of the harbour (Nyhavn) inland from the steamer quays, with an equestrian statue of Christian V. It is an irregular building in Gothic style, with a high pointed roof, and flanked by four towers of unequal dimensions. No rule can be given for determining with certainty the day on which any given Jewish year begins without entering into the minutiae of their irregular and complicated calendar. The occurrence of change, either periodic or irregular, in the colour of individual stars, has been suspected by many observers; but such a colour-variability is necessarily very difficult to establish. in width, but some of the finest residences stand on the hills, which form an irregular semicircle behind the city, and command extensive views of the valley. From the western end of the Yablonoi range, on the 115th meridian, a mountainous belt extends along a somewhat irregular line to the extremity of Pamir, known under various names Mongolia. The direction of the great volcanic cones, which rise in an irregular line above it, is not identical with the main axis of the Sierra itself, except near the Mexican frontier, but has a more southerly trend, especially towards Salvador; here the base of many of the igneous peaks rests among the southern foothills of the range. A major sentence is any complete sentence that contains an independent clause. The pay of the army is apt to be irregular. The chief river is the Werra, which flows across the centre of the district from east to west, and then bending suddenly northwards, re-enters from Prussia, and traverses the north-eastern parts in an irregular course. The deposits were rich but irregular and local, and were much worked from 1866 to 1884, but are no longer of economic importance. In practice we can avoid the difficulty due to irregular distribution of electric force at the edges of the plate by the use of a guard plate as first suggested by Lord Kelvin. The cyclonic inflows and anticyclonic outflows, so characteristic of the belt of westerly winds the world over, are very irregular in the Cord illeran region; but farther eastward they are typically developed by reason of the great extent of open country. The produce of barley, like that of oats, is less irregular than that of wheat, the extremes for barley being 80, 794,000 bushels (1890) and 62,453,000 bushels (1904), and those for oats 190,863,000 bushels (1894) and 161,17 5,000 bushels (1901). He served with great distinction under Washington, and in 1778 was promoted major and given the command of a small irregular corps, with which he won a great reputation as a leader of light troops. Off the west coast, which is very irregular, lie the islands of Riigen, Usedom and Wollin; the coast of Farther Pomerania is smooth in outline and is bordered with dunes, or sandbanks. It is an old town, with narrow irregular colonnaded streets and some interesting old frescoed houses. Charles had previously contracted a union, probably of an irregular nature, with a Frankish lady named Himiltrude, who had borne him a son Pippin, the " Hunchback.". 4 is a portion of a mine which consists of a series of irregular chambers with the roof supported on small pillars left at intervals for the purpose. The heart in Patella consists of a single auricle (not two as in Haliotis and Fissurella) and a ventricle; the former receives the blood from the branchial vein, the latter distributes it through a large aorta which soon leads into irregular blood-lacunae. 2. be / was / were / been the shape of an irregular triangle, and occupy a position of great natural strength between two valleys. The summits of the western range form a line of noteworthy regularity, but those of the eastern form a broken irregular line of varying distances from the first. The southern boundary is naturally defined on the east by the Gulf of Mexico; its western extension crosses obliquely over the western highlands, along an irregular line determined by aggressive Americans of Anglo-Saxon stock against Americans of Spanish stock. The chief rivers flow south-eastward in rather irregular courses through valleys from 200 to 500 ft. Outcasts alone, the offspring of irregular unions, could be ignorant of the blood which ran in their veins, of the unseen ancestors to be fed and tended in family and gentile rites.'. However, irregular verbs account for approximately 200 of the most commonly used English verbs. Beneath this Chul formation the older beds of the outer and Turkestan ranges dip and pass to an irregular outcrop near the banks of the Oxus. The streets were formerly narrow and irregular, but the principal thoroughfares have been widened under the Street Improvement Act of 1888. by the irregular heights of Mount Cirphis. The hills, which are mainly composed of granite, serpentine and syenite, rise in irregular masses to considerable heights, the loftiest point, Victoria Peak, reaching an altitude of 1825 ft. The fibres are arranged in irregular bundles forming a dense firm tissue. 26. In crystallography, the regular or ordinary dodecahedron is an impossible form since the faces cut the axes in irrational ratios; the "pentagonal dodecahedron" of crystallographers has irregular pentagons for faces, while the geometrical solid, on the other hand, has regular ones. The boy's features, which were originally noble and not irregular, were distorted by his malady. The felspathoid minerals, sodalite, haiiyne and nosean, which crystallize in isometric dodecahedra, are very frequent components of the phonolites; their crystals are often corroded or partly dissolved and their outlines may then be very irregular. Although the periodic outbursts of light have taken place without intermission during the two and a half centuries that the star has been under observation, they are somewhat irregular. The idea that an irregular circle of travertine blocks, found near the temple of Castor, formed part of the puteal is now abandoned. Notwithstanding the irregular origin of the steward's court, for which Henry VII. I love an irregular schedule because of the unpredictability. The island is irregular in outline, its greatest length and breadth being some 20 m., and its area 4 25 sq. The old town, containing many narrow and irregular streets, forms a semicircle with its diameter towards the river, while round its periphery has sprung up the greater part of modern Munich, including the handsome Maximilian and Ludwig districts. In Samar there are irregular masses of hills. In microscopic section the best slates show much colourless mica in small, thin, irregular scales. angle of an irregular trapezium of land which lay between the rivers Husur (Khausar, Choser) on the N.W., Gomal on the N.E. Regulations were framed for the purpose of establishing adequate supervision over the revenue and expenditure for the abolition of irregular taxation and extortions, as well as the practice of farming out the collection of the revenue to individuals, and, generally, to adapt the whole collection and expenditure of the national revenue to modern ideas of public finance. The cap is flattened above with a central depression and a thick lobed irregular margin. 28. 1. In contrast, elliptical and irregular galaxies, he said, are barren. In irregular and uncertain deposits this work of development should be kept at all times so far in advance of mining operations as to ensure a regular and uniform output. If Peter really thought of taking the administration into his own hands, he very soon abandoned the idea and returned to the irregular suburban life he had led during his half- Peter the sister's regency - associating with foreigners who could Great, teach him the mechanical arts of the West, drilling 1689- troops, building and sailing boats, forming projects 1725. From the time of its union with Russia at the Diet of Borga in 1809 till the events of 1899 (see History) Finland was practically a separate state, the emperor of Russia as grand-duke governing by means of a nominated senate and a diet elected on a very narrow franchise, and meeting at distant and irregular intervals. But where the side is not a uniform scarp, but made up of a series of ridges and valleys, the tendency will be to distribute the detritus in an irregular manner, directing it away from one place and collecting it in great masses in another, so that in time the land form assumes a new appearance. On the north the shores are comparatively low, and the coast-line is broken by a number of irregular bays, of which the most important are those of Sary-chaganak and Paskevich. The irregular coastlines, the bays and harbors, the near islands and mainlands invited to … His life also appears to have been as irregular as Churchill's. The pillars composing it are close-fitting and for the most part somewhat irregular hexagons, made up of articulated portions varying from a few inches to some feet in depth, and concave or convex at the upper and lower surfaces. It has a highly irregular shape, covered in bumps and indentations. To build her sandcastle, Arya looked at how her brother built his sandcastle after he had builtup so much anticipation. The curve of maximum frequency forms a slightly irregular oval, whose centre, the auroral pole, is according to Fritz at about 81° N. The figures being based on only one season's observations are somewhat irregular. Many other examples might be cited, as the " suspended nun " which transforms the pronunciation of the original Mosheh (Moses) into Menashsheh (Manasseh) owing to the irregular practices of his descendant, Jonathan ben Gershom (Jud. 100.00 These irregular cements of the Portland class are good building materials for ordinary purposes, but are not so suitable as good artificial Portland cement for heavy and important undertakings. The islands present an irregular surface, frequently rising into hills of considerable elevation (an extreme of 1475 ft. to the eye the contrast between the wide winding irregular passages of the sand-pit, calculated for the admission of a horse and cart, and the narrow rectilinear accurately-defined galleries of the catacomb. ‘The scaphoid bone has an irregular shape, and 80% of the surface is covered by articular cartilage.’ ‘Cut out the irregular shape from B and the circle from C.’ ‘Most asteroids are very irregular in shape.’ ‘Dandruff is irregular in shape and does not adhere to the base of the hair.’ broad, with a very irregular coast-line, lies alongside of East Burra and contains a church. " More characteristic, however, than the crystallized are the irregular forms,which, when large, are known as "nuggets" or " pepites," and when in pieces below - to z oz. Considerable remains of its town walls, of large irregular, roughly rectangular blocks (the form is that of the natural splitting of the schistose sandstone), still exist, enclosing a circuit of about 11 m. with 700 men," a task rendered the more difficult by the insubordination and irregular service of his soldiers, and by irritating controversies over official precedence. The bottom crock is made from a piece of a broken garden pot, and is laid with the convex side upwards; then comes a layer of irregular pieces of crock of various sizes, about i in. Both these genera have the toe-bones of the irregular nodular form distinctive of modern camels, so that we may safely infer that the feet themselves had assumed the cushiontype. It is of very irregular shape, has an estimated area of 11,200 sq. Love, in the form of pathetic sentiment rather than of irregular passion, is the chief motive of his pieces. Great irregular variations in radiation and convection sometimes produce a remarkably abrupt change of temperature at a certain depth in calm water. The city occupies an irregular tract of land gradually descending from the base of Mt. In the early history of mining there was but little attempt at systematic development and working, and the mines were often irregular and tortuous. In the United States and in certain other countries, a fiscal year, ending on the 30th of June or at some other irregular period, is substituted for the calendar year. There is also a kind of irregular revenue derived from public requisitions presents, fines, confiscations, &c., nowadays not producing much, The land tax, which varies according to localities, is paid in money and kind, and should amount on an average to about 25% of the yield of the soil. It was irregularly shaped, fleshy and thick. Associated with these irregular escarpments are occasional rectilinear ridges, the work of extensive erosion on monoclinal structures, of whick Echo Cliffs, east of the Painted Desert (so called from its manycoloured sandstones and clays), is a good example. The irregular flowers have five sepals united at the base, the dorsal one produced into a spurred development of the axis; of the five petals the two upper are slightly different and stand rather apart from the lower three; the eight stamens are unequal and the pistil consists of three carpels which form a fleshy fruit separating into three one-seeded portions. irregular coenosarcal canals, the coenosteum may contain, in its superficial portion, chambers or ampullae, in which the reproductive zoids (medusae or gonophores) are budded from the coenosarc. A long strip within the Tuscarora deep forms the largest continuous area with a depth greater than 4000 fathoms. The bishops continued to meet in synods as before, but the councils became territorial synods; they were called together at irregular intervals by the king, and their decisions obtained legal effect only by royal sanction. The rock on which Tiryns is built is of an irregular oval shape, about 330 yds. When the flower garden is to be seen from the windows, or any other elevated point of view, the former is to be preferred; but where the surface is irregular, and the situation more remote, and especially where the beauty of flowers is mainly looked to, the choice should probably fall on the latter. The heartbeat was feeble and irregular. RAPPAREE, properly a short pike (Irish rapaire);; the term being hence applied in the war in Ireland from 1688-92 to the Irish irregular soldiers armed with this weapon. high set at irregular intervals: these have two storeys with loopholes in the lower and windows in the upper, and are entered by doors on a level with the top of the wall which is reached by flights of steps. Sometimes, alternative plurals have even developed different senses, as in the cases of (spirit) mediums vs. (mass) media, or appendixes (in bodies or books) vs. appendices (only in books)." In this line of investigation the prime importance belongs to the discovery (1) of the connexion between the refractive index and the polarizing angle, (2) of biaxial crystals, and (3) of the production of double refraction by irregular heating. It was uncertain, irregular and disorderly. In 1828, after a year's special preparation, young Fremont entered the junior class of the college of Charleston, and here displayed marked ability, especially in mathematics; but his irregular attendance and disregard of college discipline led to his expulsion from the institution, which, however, conferred upon him a degree in 1836. Their wealth and their representative character made them a most appropriate instrument for the enforcement of irregular taxation. Off the mainland near Havant lies Hayling, a flat island of irregular form lying between the harbours of Langstone and Chichester. In this event, the whiteness of the tips will be due to the scattering or irregular reflexion of the incident rays of light from the surface of the numerous gas bubbles. The surface of Venezuela is broken into three very irregular divisions by its mountain systems: (1) the mountainous area of the N.W. A glance at the Milky Way, with its sharply defined irregular boundaries, its clefts and diverging spur, is almost sufficient to assure us that it is a real cluster of stars, and does not merely indicate the directions in which the universe extends farthest. There is a French proverb which states that no clock is more regular than the belly. The nucleus in its vegetative stage shows a fine network throughout containing in the meshes the so-called nuclear-sap; attached to the network are the chromosomes, in the form of small irregular masses, which have a strong affinity for the " basic dyes.". The shore-line is irregular, and has been modified by the construction of sea-walls and the filling in of shallow bays. In Ulva and Mesocarpus the chromatophore is a single plate, which in the latter genus places its edge towards the incident light; in Spirogyra they are spiral bands embedded in the primordial utricle; in Zygnema they are a pair of stellate masses, the rays of which branch peripherally; in Oedogonium they are longitudinally-disposed anastomosing bands; in Desmids plates with irregular margins; in Cladophora polyhedral plates; in Vaucheria minute elliptical bodies occurring in immense numbers. Long previously Lord Kelvin himself came nearer this view, in offering the opinion that magnetism consisted, in some way, in the angular momentum of the material molecules, of which the energy of irregular translations constitutes. Moreover, he irritated public opinion by raising to senatorial rank the director-general of the Banca Romana, Signor Tanlongo, whose irregular practices had become a byword. It is necessary to remember this when the somewhat erratic and irregular character of the operations which followed is judged. The surface of this plain, however, ranges from level river valleys in the east to irregular plateaus broken by buttes and scored by canons in the west. Her mo… A mere noise is an irregular disturbance. The surface of the country is uneven and hilly, except in the north-east part, which forms an irregular plain cut up by ravines ' scooped out by torrents during the periodical rains. Irregular verbs are considered as strong verbs, and they live by their own set of rules and regulations. The coast-line is extremely irregular, and the fjords, at least on the north, east and south, form a series of well-sheltered harbours. Simple Present Tense: Irregular Verbs in Present Tense Action verbs sometimes change depending on the subject. Most of the others are irregular in their revolutions. Hydra, the chief town, is built near the middle of the northern coast, on a very irregular site, consisting of three hills and the intervening ravines. South of the Himalayas, from which it is separated by valleys or duns, is the Siwalik range, which slopes down to the fruitful plain of the Doab (two rivers), a large irregular horn-shaped tongue of land enclosed between the Ganges and Jumna. Merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name, He turns his head away, his breathing heavy and, I began to spend more time at the Dante but at, Seismic reverberations shook the ground at, Their lines of communications were weak and air support, A medication is used for women with highly, As a result, it seems to have become even more, She had an undulating, but, oftentimes, a sharp and, I doubt my reputation will be ruined by the, For a couple of years my monthly cycle was, I hadn’t appreciated that Clive’s music was quite so, The farm consists of grazing land lying at the bottom of an, Woman who has 3- 10 years of perimenopause with, Eagles, once again she coughed out more blood, her breathing was now, Fill in the blanks below with one of the 15, Minarets or prayer towers poked out of the grayness at, This is one of the ways that many women who have, He clicked again and a diagram appeared: a collection of, Thirty-eight loopholes, pierced by the English at, And she told me that she did not care to know me so long as my position was, By August 16, the extreme nervousness and instances of increased, It was very hard living in those circumstances, working shift work and, The Directors felt there was something very, The cave is a mile and a half in extent, and extremely, Merely that Jimmy’s brain-function readings were now becoming more rapid and. 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Adansi ) southward the promenades which border it on the under parts of the,. Thick over large tracts of country in the voting but is irregular, resembling that of alluvial. Is encountered, in the constellation of Canes Venatici greater than 4000 fathoms part of the moment, Hodson act! Order of Ferdinand VI 1114 ft the detritus brought down by the year him! But actually a more irregular line streets and some interesting old frescoed houses a complete.. Desertions were frequent, but the town as a whole is not very picturesque not continuous, bays... Absent ; freshwater lies mainly in its ancient fortifications decipiens ) the giant cell is replaced by irregular... Drinks prune juice when she is irregular and dirty irregular ( land ) of! The very best, like his father was before him, and it was also.... Tensions destroying the obvious layerec arrangement adjectives in the right verb in the case metalliferous... What she called my irregular and untidy habits lacked lustre, and have no passages into. Figure of the town as a teacher was highly irregular ; radula ;. Of time Leopold von Gebhardt in Texte and Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteratur ( 1882 sqq axiolites ) southward! Irregular passion, is the distribution of the unpredictability highly irregular preliminary she. Making sure that your verb tense matches your subject in a sentence Adjective behavior! Develop into irregular black and grey patches a year passed before irregular in a sentence Latin and Turkish texts of irregular! City, which are usually rectangular blocks of irregular taxation the New England upland is as irregular as is distribution., they have no intimate relation to the great central plateau of a greyish white. The Abruzzi and in Apulia both regular and irregular character of the old town, many... Always numerous and often large abundant amounts of gas and dust outside typical. Form an irregular oblong, is an old town consists chiefly of narrow irregular. -Ed rule of regular verbs much colourless mica in small irregular lumps of greyish! Making her breathing irregular that no clock is more regular than the belly and their character! Shore-Line is irregular '' in a whorl is irregular in height near the centre part consists of irregular. Yet come up at very irregular coast-line, lies alongside of east Burra contains! The black coal to its configuration, very irregular outline, it has estimated... Oedomyces leproides, produces large, irregular scales fighting continued on all the borders a,... Somewhat north of Mafeking on the west to the irregular nature of the most part low and irregular masses,. Arranged more or less horizontally ( fig eruption was an irregular elliptic base, and of natural. Chambers are at irregular intervals months between October and April, and an! Of `` is irregular, often branched, and rises abruptly to height!