This is a theme so sublime that we are scarcely able to form any conception of it. Zephaniah 3:14-17, Denomination: In our gladdest hours we can but dimly guess what is the bliss of an infinite Being. THIS LOVE, AND THE RELATIONSHIPS IMPLIED IN IT. 4. The danger of dying in an unconverted state. If this is not an amplification of the preceding promises, rather than a new promise, it speaks of a time when the watchful care of the Saviour will be followed by a feeling of ecstatic joy — of a time when the silence of unutterable emotion will be broken in upon by the triumphant voice of Him whose voice is as the sound of many waters. Man is often alienated from the object of his affections, either by means of some unexpected evil He has discovered, or through his own fickleness and inconstancy. It is necessary to make this distinction, because none are so prone to take to themselves the promises of the Gospel as those to whom they clearly do not belong.2. What should you render unto the Lord for all His benefits? Ten times over in this chapter God assures His people of what He will most certainly do on their behalf. IN THE OBJECTS OF HIS LOVE. But God changeth not. He will save, He will rejoice over them with joy. The evil of sin. Twice over in this paragraph we are told that the Lord, the King of Israel, is in the midst of His people. Your foes may be numerous as the devils in hell, strong and wily; but He will save. It is the rest of a Divine foreknowledge and purpose. This abstaining from interference is observable in the general order of earthly affairs, and in the lot of individual believers. Salvation includes redemption from the curse of the law, deliverance from the powers of darkness, freedom from the sting of death, release from the dominion and being of sin. His people are His by creation, purchase, adoption, and by a begun and progressive sanctification. Believers may be encouraged to smile defiance at every attempt to separate them from the love of God. There will be no voluntary transference of Divine love from one object, or one class of objects, to another.III. He fills Himself with joy over His redeemed Church.1. By the prominence given to the object beloved.II. God cannot do without His children; He finds His joy in them.I. Alas, the answer is not far to seek — we have limited the Holy One of Israel. The quietness of an Omniscient mind which, seeing the end from the beginning, will not allow itself to be moved from the fixed order of its determinations. The logs of which the hut was built, its floors, its doors, its roof, its furniture — all were changed to sider by this magic lamp. The consolations they were to realise. "HE WILL SAVE." HE "WILL REJOICE OVER THEE WITH JOY." HE IS MIGHTY TO ACCOMPLISH THAT SALVATION. He will stop the music of glory, and hush the converse of the angels, to hear it stealing up to His throne. The text is spoken on the supposition that the people of God will often be overwhelmed with anxiety — that they shall "fear," and their "hands shall be slack." Mediator, Advocate, Captain, Surety, Head, King of Saints, etc.III. IT IS A SILENT JOY. Now illustrate the grounds of confidence which all Christians may have in the unchanging love of their Almighty Redeemer.I. By the prominence given to the object beloved.II. | 1,511 … CONSIDER WHAT CHRIST HAS ALREADY DONE FOR HIS PEOPLE. "He will joy over thee with singing." Zephaniah 3:14-18, Luke 3:10-18, Denomination: He will save. Little natures are capable of little happiness. THIS LOVE, AND THE RELATIONSHIPS IMPLIED IN IT. Battle and defeat, exile and slavery, were in store for them, but these would pass away, and days of rejoicing would come again. Zephaniah 3:17. But this contentment of God with the results of His own doings was to receive a yet higher illustration. The consolation is addressed only to true Christians. But His yearning for us is greater than His hatred of our sin.III. Sometimes joy is too deep for speech. There is delight in being with and doing for those we love. What is this salvation? Not merely will He feel an inward pleasure; but as a man, overjoyed at any event, involuntarily expresses his joy by singing, or some other outward token, so will God manifest His pleasure to the returning soul.IV. The text is spoken on the supposition that the people of God will often be overwhelmed with anxiety — that they shall "fear," and their "hands shall be slack." 2. (William Jay. B. Meyer, B. A.These words were primarily addressed to the daughter of Zion, to Israel the chosen people; and they undoubtedly foreshadow blessings which are yet to be realised. The deliverance they were to experience. Margin, "He will be silent," or "keep silence in His love." The text is spoken on the supposition that the people of God will often be overwhelmed with anxiety — that they shall "fear," and their "hands shall be slack." "HE WILL REST IN HIS LOVE." He is said to "rest in His love." There is delight in being with and doing for those we love. This is a theme so sublime that we are scarcely able to form any conception of it. As God took the side of His people against their foes, and will do so again in the final struggle, when His feet shall stand upon the Mount of Olives, so will He take our side against our sins. "Is mighty." IT IS AN EXCELLENT JOY. 3. Not silent all the time. But a much wider circle than the chosen race may appropriate the blessed comfort of these words. By the prominence given to the object beloved.II. He will also save us from its power. This suggests the idea of a love too great for utterance.V. )The joy of God over His ownGeorge Elliott.This is one of those revelations of the character of God which are sometimes called anthropomorphic. Not merely will He feel an inward pleasure; but as a man, overjoyed at any event, involuntarily expresses his joy by singing, or some other outward token, so will God manifest His pleasure to the returning soul.IV. The story illustrates what takes place in the life when Christ comes into it. God finds this blessedness in the work of redemption. GOD'S POWER TO SAVE. Learn —1. As God took the side of His people against their foes, and will do so again in the final struggle, when His feet shall stand upon the Mount of Olives, so will He take our side against our sins. Your foes may be numerous as the devils in hell, strong and wily; but He will save. He does not destroy our free agency; but He overcomes our reluctance, and draws us to Himself by an operation no less powerful than that which He exerted in raising His Son, Jesus Christ, from the dead. THE NATURE OF THIS REST.1. )The unchangeable nature of God's love to manRobert Muter.God is not only lovely and loving, He is pure unmixed love itself. HE WILL REST IN THE DEGREE OF HIS WILL. It is the rest of a Divine foreknowledge and purpose. HE WILL REJOICE OVER THEE WITH JOY. Then we may expect Him to accomplish the four blessed "I wills" of this precious verse.I. How assured and tranquil should we feel in this, God loves me. This salvation is ensured. There is no promise that a believer shall be saved from suffering and sorrow and temptation; what is promised is, that he shall not be overcome of these. The great evangelic prophet gives the key to understand this promise when he says, "As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee." Of old the Psalmist said that his soul was silent in its calm expectancy for God's salvation. It is much to hear a lark sing, as if its throat must be torn by the torrent of melody; more to hear a child sing as it comes down a woodland path in spring, chequered with sunlight falling on blue hyacinths and yellow primroses; more still to hear an angel sing, as the lone messenger of God breaks into melody to cheer himself on some distant journey from the Home of Song; more still to have heard our Saviour sing in the days of His earthly ministry, when He joined His disciples in the Jewish Hallel: but what will it not be when the great God Himself breaks into song, to celebrate an accomplished work, an emancipated world, a redeemed race, a Bride won for His Son!(F. To banish every alarming apprehension. 2. Salvation includes redemption from the curse of the law, deliverance from the powers of darkness, freedom from the sting of death, release from the dominion and being of sin. Then we may expect Him to accomplish the four blessed "I wills" of this precious verse.I. IT IS DESCRIPTIVE OF THE GOD AND FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST RESTING IN HIS LOVE AS THE GREAT MEANS FOR THE SALVATION OF MANKIND. Learn —1. "HE WILL SAVE." A. Twice over in this paragraph we are told that the Lord, the King of Israel, is in the midst of His people. We may make God glad. By the prominence given to the object beloved.II. Not in receiving, but in giving, is found the highest and deepest joy. The sweetest words that can climb to heaven are, "God be merciful to me a sinner." That believers ought to love their God with the greatest ardour and constancy of which they are capable.2. III. THE LORD GOD IN THE MIDST OF THEE IS MIGHTY. ◄ What Does Zephaniah 3:17 Mean? Of old the Psalmist said that his soul was silent in its calm expectancy for God's salvation. V. IT IS AN EXCELLENT JOY. Consider by what names He is called. Believers may be encouraged to smile defiance at every attempt to separate them from the love of God. HIS DELIGHT TO SAVE. But if the mighty God is indeed in us, why is there so much weakness and failure in our lives? There is something in us which satisfies Him, and without which His nature would not be perfectly content. The consolations they were to realise.3. Behold, then, the great Father of spirits reposing with delighted tranquillity on the appointments and provisions of Messiah's kingdom.2. I. God is mighty —, (1)To convert. Omond. THE NATURE OF THIS REST.1. This abstaining from interference is observable in the general order of earthly affairs, and in the lot of individual believers. In our gladdest hours we can but dimly guess what is the bliss of an infinite Being. In what of His love does God rest?I. There will be no voluntary transference of Divine love from one object, or one class of objects, to another.III. ► The Lord your God is among you, a warrior who saves. Now illustrate the grounds of confidence which all Christians may have in the unchanging love of their Almighty Redeemer. God finds this blessedness in the work of redemption. II. 1. Sometimes He sings. This is a theme so sublime that we are scarcely able to form any conception of it. Sometimes joy is too deep for speech. But a much wider circle than the chosen race may appropriate the blessed comfort of these words. In this glorious character of God we may see —1. He is in their midst. Little natures are capable of little happiness. The danger of dying in an unconverted state. We may make God glad. It opens the door to a new future. In this glorious character of God we may see —1. Believers may be encouraged to smile defiance at every attempt to separate them from the love of God. ONE of our sweetest hymns commences with this verse, — “How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent Word! "He will save." This is God's joy in His providence. Zephaniah 2 sermon here. There is always a firm footing there. )The unchangeable nature of God's love to manRobert Muter.God is not only lovely and loving, He is pure unmixed love itself. They include everything, from the first particle of imparted grace to a seat with God the Lamb on His throne. We should have thought that our sin would alienate Him from us for ever. "He will rest in His love." There is always a firm footing there. 2. Consider by what names He is called. Scripture: Zephaniah 3:17 Topic: The Grace of God; The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will be quiet in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Then, if these things be so, let me say, "What manner of persons ought we to be, in all holy conversation and godliness?"(J. Our love toward an object may be known by the direction of our thoughts; for on the beloved object our thoughts chiefly dwell.2. Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. IN THE PRINCIPLE OF HIS LOVE. Of old the Psalmist said that his soul was silent in its calm expectancy for God's salvation. And this marvellous indwelling — more wonderful than if an angel were to indwell an emmet or a humming-bird — is not dependent on frames or feelings or aught in us; but endures through all our changes and fluctuations unto the eternal ages. He is their God in a peculiar sense. Believers may be encouraged to smile defiance at every attempt to separate them from the love of God. 1. Of old the Psalmist said that his soul was silent in its calm expectancy for God's salvation. To banish every alarming apprehension. When we are told, then, that God's love will be a silent one, we know that it is too intense, too deep, too infinite to find expression. It is a small book, it is in the middle of the Minor Prophets, toward the end of the Old Testament. How hopeful are you for the future? My Life’s Symphony. HE WILL REST IN HIS LOVE. They include everything, from the first particle of imparted grace to a seat with God the Lamb on His throne. )He will rest in His loveThe Almighty resting in His loveDaniel Moore, M. A.God rules in an unquiet world. He will also save us from its power. The power of God is the strength of His people(T. E. Not merely will He feel an inward pleasure; but as a man, overjoyed at any event, involuntarily expresses his joy by singing, or some other outward token, so will God manifest His pleasure to the returning soul.IV. Well would it be if each Christian were to devote some portion, however brief, in each day, to meditation upon this marvellous fact. So many are sick, have lost a loved one, have no job, are hurting, do not know where the next meal is coming from, many are disappointed in themselves or with their loved IT IS AN EXCELLENT JOY. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty. THIS LOVE, AND THE RELATIONSHIPS IMPLIED IN IT. Then if God so rest in His love, how should we rest in it. The presence of God in His Church is its glory.2. Christ will show Himself as Saviour in the days to come, as truly as in days past. To all human seeming things are left to take their course. By our anxiety in regard to its welfare.3. I am God-tenanted, God-possessed. The Lordwill take delight in you, and in his love he will give you new life. held that love is the attraction to each other of twin souls, made each for the other, and moving towards each other; until each finds in the other the complement and supply of the needs of its own nature. cannot speak of the fruits of His love in detail. God cannot do without His children; He finds His joy in them.I. He takes the matter into His own hands, and determines to save those whom He has given to His Son. Here is nearness and power. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. But He will save — He is inclined, He is engaged. All the deepest emotion is silent. THE GROUNDS ON WHICH THE ABOVE EXHORTATION RESTS.1. Now illustrate the grounds of confidence which all Christians may have in the unchanging love of their Almighty Redeemer.I. The honour they were to receive. GOD'S DELIGHT IN HIS PEOPLE. There is delight in being with and doing for those we love. But this contentment of God with the results of His own doings was to receive a yet higher illustration. When we are told, then, that God's love will be a silent one, we know that it is too intense, too deep, too infinite to find expression. He has saved us from the penalty of sin. By the prominence given to the object beloved. Ten times over in this chapter God assures His people of what He will most certainly do on their behalf. This salvation is ensured. Luke 3:7-18, Zephaniah 3:14-20, Denomination: "He will rest in His love." Here is nearness and power. Love, as it exists in Himself, is unchanging and ever-duringII. Zephaniah 1 sermon here. There is no promise that a believer shall be saved from suffering and sorrow and temptation; what is promised is, that he shall not be overcome of these. There is a close relationship between God and His people. ")He will rejoice over thee with joyGod's joy in salvationWilliam Jay., J. The great evangelic prophet gives the key to understand this promise when he says, "As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee." Your past years, by repeated acts of indulgence, may have formed habits strong as iron bands; but He will save. We shall not speak of God's power in general, but as it is manifested in the salvation of His Church and people.II. But this contentment of God with the results of His own doings was to receive a yet higher illustration. IN THE FRUITS OF HIS LOVE. Believers may be encouraged to smile defiance at every attempt to separate them from the love of God. )God's delight in saving soulsSkeletons of Sermons.A knowledge of ourselves will show us how much need we have of repentance; and a knowledge of God will encourage us to repent.I. Your circumstances and companions may be most unfavourable to a life of victory; but He will save. Christ will show Himself as Saviour in the days to come, as truly as in days past. I. No greater mistake can be made than that of supposing a Christian's life is a period of continual sunshine. To understand this principle 21:3 ] Zephaniah 3:17 SUM PIC XRF... Treasury of Scripture demonstrates His love in.... 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2020 zephaniah 3:17 sermon