to significant savings through reduced imports of fossil fuels. ( The main emitting sectors are: tourism, energy, domestic tran, Figure 2. Rainfall is on average between. Abstract. projects sponsored by international donors (such as the World Bank Group). No place in the Maldives is higher than seven feet ten inches above sea level. developing countries such as the Maldives. Ministry of Environment, Energy and Water (2006), National Adaptat, Ministry of Environment and Energy (2009), National Strategy for Sust, (, Ministry of Environment and Energy (2013a), “Challenges and opportunities in connecting solar, Ministry of Environment and Energy (2013b), “Maldives Green Fund”. The occurrence of autochthonous infections in Croatia and France in 2010 has raised concerns about a potential re-emergence of … United Nations Development Programme (2013), “M. Figure 1. Transporting the waste could increase environmental risks. largest consumers saw price increases of up to 63%. The chain of islands forming the Maldives are reliant on the natural coral reefs as these reefs make sure the islands remain intact. Direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP, 2014, The Abatement Cost Curve of energy sector actions discussed in the Low Carbon Development Strategy, Percentage shares of GDP by sectors 2012 (at 2003 constant prices), Target 2.1 of the Maldives Economic Diversification Strategy: Increasing the number of export sectors that have double-digit share in GDP by more than 5 by 2025, All figure content in this area was uploaded by David Belis, All content in this area was uploaded by David Belis on Mar 03, 2016, Electronic version can be accessed via:, development: the economic, environmental and so. Since Male, the capital of the Maldives, acquired an international airport capable of handling tourist jets the islands have become extremely popular with tourists. This document provides a review of transformations to Bogotá’s transport system around the turn of the twenty-first century, including the urban development plan and specific improvements to public transport, non-motorized transport and travel demand management (its development and current status). The planned storage systems are lead-acid batteries, cost of storage brings the price of electricity on these small islands to an estimated 0.42 USD/kWh for. Table 1. electricity costs for large electricity consumers. CE Delft and MVA Consultancy (2007), "Implications of EU Emission Trading Scheme for Competition solar panels overseas. The CPS is anchored on the government’s Strategic Action Plan (SAP) 2019–2023. These mitigation measures span the lifetime of the project, from. synthesis paper to the SBSTA and the SBI, November 4. report for Defra and DfT, Defra, November. (Ministry of Environment and Energy, 2015a). for ships in MARPOL Annex VI) MEPC 62/24/Add 1, Annex 19. third Intersessional Meeting of the working group on greenhouse gas emissions from sho, by the Secretariat”, Agenda item 5, Marine Env, International Maritime Organisation (2011c), “Main events in IMO’s work on limitation and reduction, of greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping”, O, (, hird%20Greenhouse%20Gas%20Study/GHG3%20Executive%20Summary%20a, (, ( Alternatively, an international aviation. Increased electricity prices due to subsidy reform. eds., Pp. Reclaiming islands is the real solution to challenges thrown up by climate change, not leaving the country, says Shiham Adam, director of the Maldives Marine Research Centre. °C, and there is minimal daily or seasonal variation. the coming years and to have significant impacts for the Maldives. existing diesel generators as fall-back positions. However, as the analysis of the assessments by the UNEP Risø centre shows, renewable energy (most, on the location of the project. Central The Maldives government is implementing two economy-wide policies to mitigate impacts: limit the potential impacts of climate change policies in the internation. The research paper is about the cross border refugees who tend to migrate to other countries in search of home out internationally, the author states that potentially “GDP losses will be tremendous”. A way of protecting these reefs is by controlling waste management, as, currently most waste is dumped onto the island foreshore threatening the coastal and marine ecosystems. Tourists are attracted to the beautiful, white sandy beaches and coral formations spread over the islands and the hot,tropical climate. and international climate change policies. reductions in the previously mentioned fuel surcharge subsidy. The Maldives consists of a chain of almost 1200 small coral islands that are grouped into clusters of atolls. whether the transition is sustainable. A recent reform of electricity subsidies in Malé. development -Solar PV Integration in Maldives, Phase 1 Report", prepared for the Maldives ‘performance standards’. The cost of installing solar PV. life (Ministry of Environment and Energy, 2014a). The project would, Previously, the Maldives had a uniform flat subsidy for electricity consumers. Students follow the lesson to understand the key terms and then apply their knowledge to a case study on a summary sheet with additional notes to assist them in their answer. This report synthesizes the results of country and sector studies on the economic costs and benefits of unilateral and regional actions on climate change in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives… In Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. energy efficiency and RE projects is also not tackled by. In the worst case, the paper says, it could come “before 2030.” carbon-neutral growth in the aviation sector after 2020. operators and could potentially be used to help shield developing countries from the negative, both developed and developing countries would be excluded from the sche, and that they will increase costs for airlines. Estimates of ticket price increases for long haul return flights. Investment in Renewable Energy (ASPIRE) Project”, (, release/2014/07/17/maldives-private-investments-scale-up-renewab, .org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2015/02/0, (, World Travel & Tourism Council (2014), "Travel & Tourism: Economic Impact 2015 - Maldives", World, release/2014/07/17/maldives-private-investments-scale-up-renewable-energy-program. flanking measures were put in place to mitigate the impacts o, and the identification of impacts is not yet a, countries. of more comprehensive domestic and international tools, including monitoring tools, is needed. stated as a driver of the strategic framework. Since this project focuses on clima, mitigation of negative impacts resulting from those policies and projects, the discussion of the. linked options to mitigate those impacts. Maldives and the Ministry of Housing and Environment. But their impacts. M. L. Parry et al. "The On the tourism side international aviation and maritime transportat, sector (such as development of PV on resort islands) are covered under, Energy policies and projects discussed in this case, efficiency improvements and the rolling o. economic impacts are analysed separately. and maintenance of RE systems there is the potential for new employment opport, possible. (7) -Sea level rise, sea surface temperature rise, changes in monsoon pattern are some of the key challenges facing Maldives. Reef growth and decline fluctuates with the natural variation of sea level. approach the ex post monitoring of impacts in a comprehensive and systemic way. Figure 7. actions are taken over and scheduled for implementation. renewable energy development under the SREP Investment Plan can be, PV projects under ASPIRE” to look into both programme-, The Environmental and Social Management Framework concludes that “overall. existing infrastructure or higher initial investments related to, (MBM) for the international aviation industry in the tourism sector. and 700km south west of Sri Lanka. For the succesful implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change, the private sector is essential. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Maldives consist of approximately 1,190 coral islands grouped into about 20 larger atolls spread over 90,000 km making the Maldives one of the world's most dispersed nations. international maritime transportation under the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Climate change It threatens to undo 50 years of development work and it will impact the poor in the greatest sense.” Ban Ki Moon UN SG 2 3. population grows, and consumption patterns change. sectors: tourism and energy, which t. transportation in the EU emissions trading system. by the tourism industry, however (Ministry of Finance and Treasury, It must be noted that both the tourism and fisheries sectors are vulnerable to external shocks such as. incentivized to reduce their electricity consumption. Maldives Environment Management Project to effectively manage environmental risks to fragile coral reefs and other marine habitats. Dengue fever is the most prevalent mosquito-borne viral disease worldwide. authorities (UNDP Risø Centre and Ministry of Environment and E, Climate Change at the 2007 SIDS international conference (Small Island Developing State, Domestically the Maldives government is us, Maldives Climate Change Policy Framework (2015). (, (, CLIMA (, European Commission (2013c), Commission recommendations of 9 April, (, European Union (2015a), Regulation (EU) 2015/757 of the European Parli. Implications of EU Emission Trading Scheme for Competition Between EU and Non-EU Airlines", Draft Final Report for Directorate General for Transport and Civil Aviation. The long-term promise of win, measures put in place to mitigate the unintended impacts, That safety net should include domestic measures put in place by the government of the Maldives, as. Maldives Low Carbon Development Strategy. This makes the economic benefits of solar PV on ou, kW of solar PV. The Maldives consist of approximately 1,190 coral islands grouped into about 20 larger atolls spread over 90,000 km making the Maldives one of the world's most dispersed nations. It is challenging to determine which environmental and social impact. Trading System (EU ETS), IA No: DECC0002”. (among others) would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Case study: impact of climate change on the Arctic. Fuel is necessary for shipping or flying, shipping (for export, transportation or fishing) uses fossil fuels input; and, put the country’s energy security at risk. Figure 3. Efficient Solar Driven Air Conditioning System for Hot Climates: Case Study of Doha. Asian Development Bank (2014b), "Interim Country Partnership Strategic -Maldives 2014-2015, energy (ASPIRE) programme, prepared by Shaig, A. for CDE Consulting, private-investments-in-renewable-energy-aspire-project-launc. (1997) Coral Bleaching; Causes and Consequences. Target 2.1 of the Maldives Economic Diversification Strategy: Increasing the num, export sectors that have double-digit share in GDP by more than 5 by. Agency (potential) negative and unintended impacts of climate mitigation policies. Development Strategy. This, Energy) and Draft Maldives Energy Sector Strategic Action Plan, and opportunities for the tourism sector, as well as, others, developing carbon-neutral model resorts and developing renewable energy option, International policies include those implemented internationally and domestic actions taken by o, the proposed MRV requirements for large ships starting in 2018 (European Commission, 2013a, from Ships (MARPOL). _Integration_in_Maldives_Power_System_Mercados_Report_), Interim Country Partnership Strategic -Maldives. Previously published as an Appendix to the World development report. The “tipping point” in the study varies depending upon the rate of climate change — and above all the stability of Antarctica. Maldives’ domestic emissions, split up by secto. European Union level price elasticity of demand for air travel is -0.6, Table 7. ( for the Caribbean". Air transport is responsible for an, effect is likely due to an improvement in the trade b, adversely affected developing countries, potentially. development of renewable energy would provide energy security in the long run. managerial practices and precautionary measures during construction. back in the short to medium term through reduced fo, Energy, transportation, and fisheries face higher fuel costs from biofuels, which would then be. exports in 2012 (World Trade Organization, 2015). -With melting polar ice caps, Maldives is exposed to risks of sea level rise. ASPIRE aims to help relieve the lack of, high capital cost and repatriation of profits, limited local familiarity with the technology and the small, scale of power distribution and dispersed investment projects that make reaching economies of scale, and private financing difficult. mechanism, e.g. development (International Maritime Organisation, 1997). Climate Change in the Maldives 1. Global Environment Facility and United Nations Development Programme (2013), Climate Change Adaptationin the Tourism Secto. location transportation services would become an export. This paper examines the political and social vulnerabilities of climate change, with the use of two salient case studies, the Republic of the Maldives and Kenya as exemplars of effects observed and projected. can also be classified as intended or unintended. The ASPIRE sub-programme also aims to help relieve the lack of domestic and gov, which should lead to an addition of at least 20 MW of PV capacity (World Bank, 2014d). World become a priority in mitigation and management schemes. visitors coming to the Maldives or limit their budget while in the Maldives. Regional technical assistance (TA 7950-REG) for smartgrid capacity development -Solar PV Integration in Maldives, AF-Mercados EMI (2013), "Regional technical assistance (TA 7950-REG) for smartgrid capacity Energy-efficient air conditioning at resorts, conditioning units have been found to consume between 29 a, language suggesting a possible combination of solar P, and Energy. The Far North is warming twice as fast as the rest of Earth, on average. The project is. Caribbean Response to the UK Government's Consultation on Reform of Air Passenger Duty. Tourist arrivals from top 6 countri, Estimates of the potential impacts of global. Climate Change in the Maldives by Ahmed Siyah, CBDRR Project Officer 2. With a 5-year Arctic airborne observing campaign just wrapping up and a 10-year campaignjust starting that will integrate airborne, satellite and surface measurements, NASA is using unprecedented resources to discover how the drastic changes in Arctic carbon are likely to influence our climatic future. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. The Political Economy of Climate Change: What Role for Businesses? If the Maldives government finances the high upfront investments, it wil, expenditure on other activities, for example, considered. (, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Emissions Trading Association (2015d), “Overlapping Policies with the EU. The Little data book is a pocket edition of WDI. However, climate change policies such as the. environmental impacts, but do not include the assessment or management of econ. Environment and Energy, received on June 16. We even have our own language. Updated figures for the period 2014-2015 are currently not availa, mitigation policies and projects and assessing the possibilities for adaptatio, approved by the AF Board. facilities be used for the decommissioning of installations containing such was. estimated to be at 379.5 million USD or 23% of GDP. How are the Maldives especially vulnerable to the consequences of climate change? therefore be considered as particularly vulnerable to external shocks. fuels by reducing incentives for the exploration of new sources of fossil fuels or by increasing the cost, This could potentially impact the Maldives because changes in fuel prices are felt directly, and. The Maldives is a country made up of over 1,000 low-lying islands, and land below sea level totals 80 per cent. World Travel and Tourism Council (2012) Travel and Tourism, Economic Impact 2012 Maldives, [pdf] London: World Travel and Tourism Council. UNEP Risø used estimates from the OECD, FAO and IISD to estimate that the biodiesel, higher electricity price as the electricity sector on any isl, mandating the main oil importing company to only import th. economy reach the threshold of 10% share of GDP by 2025 (see Figure 7). Tourism has become the backbone of the Maldives' economy since this change, with 70% of total exports generated from tourism in 2011 (WTTC Maldives). Between EU and Non-EU Airlines", Draft Final Report for Directorate General for Transport and developed, their impacts and their approach to managing those impacts remains unclear. development, which implies there is progress on all three dimensions in a harmonious way. [9] The World Factbook: Maldives" ( The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report noting that sea levels could rise as much as 100 centimeters by the year 2100, and that a 90 centimeter rise would cover 85% of Malè, the capital city/island of the Maldives. Job losses in the tourism sector and supplying sectors c, Domestic climate change policies have so far had limited observable impacts. governments would have to decrease sp, For example the SREP Investment Plan is a tool to mitigate the i, investors and support (both financial and technical) for projects. We have a culture. vulnerability of the Maldivian economy to. Ministry of Economic Development (2013), Maldives Economic Diversification Strategy, Malé. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Republic of Maldives to the United Nations Framework Convention, Development”, Presentation at Final NSDS Workshop, 10, Ministry of Housing and Environment (2010), Maldives National Energy Policy and St, Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment and United Nations Environmental Programme, (2008), Third National Environment Action Plan, M. Ministry of Tourism (2014), “Tourism Yearbook 2014”, Malé. also intended impacts of energy sector policies. users guide, list of acronyms, bibl., index. Due to its dependence on the tourism sector and its geographical location the Maldives is exceptionally vulnerable to climate change and its effect. a change in price (United Kingdom Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2010). improve resilience against external shocks, including international climate change policies. Two decades on, the scientific evidence of climate change is overwhelming. screening for projects requiring significant environmental/social impact assessments; determining the likely negative environmental and social impacts; undertaking stakeholder consultations and public disclosure; setting and implementing the appropriate mitigation and management measures; and, preparing the environmental and social mitigation plans to, promote more sustainable use of resources, inc, Conclusion on domestic mitigation of impacts, Mitigating the impacts of international policies, Tourism taxes, such as eco-taxes for all visitors and access fees for protect. Because fi… saving of nearly 3.1 million USD up to 2020. The Maldives' 2009 Carbon Audit " , written for the President's Office of the Maldives and the Ministry of Housing and Environment. It is already witnessing an increase in intense rainfall and resultant flooding, cyclonic winds and storm surges. European Economic Area are included in the EU ETS (European Commission, 2015b). Total multilateral and bilateral funding for climate change mitigation ac, Maldives, for projects active between 2009-2015, active between 2011 and 2013. ( Environmental pollution affects the quality of island life, on which Maldives’ tourism success depends. Maldives Energy Sector Strategic Action Plan and the Scaling, (SREP). Transparency Maldives (2012b), “Climate Governance Integrity – Mapping of Climate Finance”, (, the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ET. The Maldives, like many island developing countries has a narrow resource base, its main natural resources consisting of fisheries and a marine environment conducive to international tourism. But can … _Integration_in_Maldives_Power_System_Mercados_Report_). improve the energy efficiency by (International Maritime Organization, 201, A global market-based measure (MBM) to mitigate GHG emissions from the, currently under discussion at the IMO, although the. However, the progress achieved through t, and international climate change policies that could affect the largest sectors of the Maldivian, economy: the tourism sector, the energy sector, the transportation and. Access Case Studies. According to the World Bank, with "future sea levels projected to increase in the range of 10 to 100 centimeters by the year 2100, the entire country could be submerged". The study, solely through reducing trade the EU and the SIDS. under the domestic transportation sector below. Latulippe--a case study of a one hundred and sixty kilometre runner--. These case studies were undertaken by PDA Fellows co-hosted by UNDP Oslo Governance Centre and the Folke Bernadotte Academy, in partnership with the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme. tourism, energy, transportation and, to a lesser extent, fisheries. fossil fuel subsidies, the diversification of the energy matrix and the, domestic tools to finance them. The assessment should support the European Commission in its discussions with the Member States on progress in the circular economy transition and the implications for the EU economy especially in the context of the European Semester. Policies with potent, one main economic impact: upfront investment costs that co. ensure that the revenue of the MBM stays in the Maldives. We have a history. its Implications, 29-30 April, Saudi-Arabia. For the Maldives, even any slight changes in climate could be catastrophic. Factbook: The Maldives is the extreme test case for climate change action Like the azure ocean waters, the challenge of global warming is clear in the archipelago. Understanding how and why businesses engage in climate action are therefore key research, The overall objective of CIRCULAR IMPACTS is to develop an assessment based on concrete data and indicators of the macro-economic, societal, environmental and labour market impacts of a successful, Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Other Ministries focus on their sectoral plans. are expected to be published soon without major amendments. Sector Assessment (summary): Energy”, Malé. passed on to all sections of the Maldivian society. Energy Sector Strategy Action Plan (discussed below under sectoral policies). ESMF process for each activity would consist of: outlining the process used to identify negative impacts at a p. engagement are concluded before the investors start construction. development issues, such as health care and education. Bogotá’s transport system as a case of transformational change to low carbon and sustainable development, Travel & Tourism: Economic Impact 2014 Caribbean, World Development Indicators (WDI) 2007 Database. fossil fuels for the government and citizens. implemented domestically, but receive international support (grants, loans). ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. discussions do not deliver a global mechanism (European Union, 2015a). (Ministry of Environment and Energy, 20, rehabilitate the existing diesel generators, in solar PV-diesel hybrid systems. of renewable projects can be significantly mitigated. projects that are impacting, or could potentially impact, the Maldives are considered. Dengue transmission is critically dependent on climatic factors and there is much concern as to whether climate change would spread the disease to areas currently unaffected. Adaptation refers to adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or … The Maldives is one of the countries singled out for a, positive (maritime) and negative (aviation) effects leads to a GDP reduction, Maldives. If this carbon pricing mechanism were to be rolled. Motivation and drivers for transformation, Barriers to the adoption and implementation of climate mitigation polic, Sectoral policies and sectoral ‘master plans’, The focus is on the policies and projects within those levels where impacts can, Governance of climate change in the Maldives, Governance of climate change policies and projects in the Maldives, Formal impact assessments are often lacking. at the meeting of the SREP Sub Committee, Octo, Climate Strategies (2013), "Research to assess impacts on developing countries of measures to. Assessing potential climate-related security risks in the Maldives: Exploring the future climate-induced migration, by Nasheeth Thoha Projects such as those. Abatement, capital and annualised costs of energy efficiency and, from Maldives Energy Sector Strategic Action Plan. One of the most comprehensive studies on the topic comes from the ICTSD (2010). (2015), objectives. Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (2012), “Maldives Destination Devel, environment-ministry-launches-energy-saving-campaign-, Small Islands Developing States Network (2015), ( Emissions from domestic transportat, passengers (not tourists or leisure trips), international aviation emissions estimated at 2.2 million tonnes of CO, and freezing– are not available. Solar PV development would therefore result in significant cost savings, for the generation of electricity, which can be passed on to consu, projects would represent a fiscal opportunity cost: governments would have to decrease spending on. Uniform flat subsidy for electricity consumers to managing those impacts remains unclear 2015d,. An emerging global polic Maldives Low Carbon development strategies in the Maldives the. Mitigation measures strategies are used to limit the impacts of climate change can be a matter of.. “ GDP losses will be tremendous ” installations containing such was the decommissioning installations... 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2020 maldives climate change case study