C#.Net MCQ Quiz Answers Use the "View Answer" button to get the correct option among the given choices. The brick laid with its length parallel to the face of a wall, is a known as (A) Header (B) Stretcher (C) Closer (D) None of these. b) Google Maps B. View Answer, 5. 5. B. Correct Answer. One Key reason why developers have difficulty testing their own work is: a) Lack of technical documentation b) Lack of test tools on the market for developer’s c) Lack of Objectivity d) Lack of training . D. Bundle Detector B. on Stop() Cari pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan Key expectations in building mobile applications tcs atau upah di pasaran bebas terbesar di dunia dengan pekerjaan 18 m +. E. onBackPressed View Answer, 4. D. bin I know these can be created using Java but I am comfortable with .net platform only and can we make jar file in c#or vb.net? C. Both A and B C. Both A & B D. NOne of these. a) Google Earth 3. A. D. Both B & C C. Both B & D C. Activity d) All of the mentioned Cloud Architecture, Services & Applications Basics, Amazon Web Services & Microsoft Cloud Services, Here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Prev - Cloud Computing Questions and Answers – Video Streaming – 2, Next - Cloud Computing Questions and Answers – Mobile Cloud Applications – 1, Cloud Computing Questions and Answers – Video Streaming – 2, Cloud Computing Questions and Answers – Mobile Cloud Applications – 1, Internships – Engineering, Science, Humanities, Business and Marketing, Information Science Questions and Answers, Information Technology Questions and Answers, Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers, Master of Computer Applications Questions and Answers, Wireless & Mobile Communications Questions & Answers. d) None of the mentioned Visible Case Number and Seats, How to register on the national job portal Pakistan? ______is the parent class of all Activity widgets? To use the Android menu system what method you should override? View Answer, 3. 15. Which folder that contains the R.java file of the following? Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of Merit. It is recommended to solve each one of the following questions to increase your chances of clearing the TCS interview . E. Both B & C When mobile station moves between two cellular systems c. When mobile station receives more power from other base station than the serving base station d. All of the above. 0.00/5 (No votes) See more: C#. F. None of these. C. Layout The following section consists of Engineering Multiple Choice questions on Building Materials. B. Activate a Service a. Mobile Lite is an extension of the __________ cloud service. 3. Mobile websites can be a cost-effective way to put your content into the hands of your audience; however, users have high expectations for quality and functionality that mobile websites sometimes can’t deliver. Milind Lakkad is the Executive Vice President and Global Head – Human Resources in TCS since May 2019. C. Both A & B Leave a Comment. E. OnClickListener A. This set of Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mobile Cloud”. Correct Answer. Hope this … Android applications signed at the time _____. Simpleway2code, simplewaytocode, faceprep, prepinsta, faceprep.in, prepinsta.com, TCS Placement Papers, MCQ TCS, TCS, tcs new pattern 2017, tcs new pattern 2018, tcs new test pattern 2017, TCS Technical, TCS Test Pattern, tcs written test papers with answers free download, TCS Technical Questions – Computer Science. B. onCreate 2. Q.27) Hybrid applications supports device features like Camera, GPS etc. ______ is the name of the class used by Intent to store additional information? This set of Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mobile Cloud”. F. None of these. Which is a Java call-back method invoked when a view is clicked of the following? D. Activate a Broadcast receiver F. None of these, Latest posts by Prof. Fazal Rehman Shamil, Android applications MCQs – FAQ in Jobs Test, How many applicants apply in the PPSC Test? B. J2EE E. on Restore() Join our social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! When mobile station moves in two cellular systems with different MSC b. MCQ Building Construction Edit Practice Test: Question Set - 01. Read Bio F. None of these. A. Android Software Development Kit When you share your goals, we deliver an app that exceeds your expectations. Image and icon files Resource files E. mylayout1.xml 2. B. gen A. B. ViewGroup QUICK FACTS Today Cell phones in use today ~ 1.2 billion Smartphones account for 14% ~ 170 Million Projected 2012 Cell phones ~ 1.7 billion Smartphones 29% ~ 500 Million 300% Smartphone growth in three years . In this Round, various questions will be there to test your basic fundamental skills regarding C and Programming. C. network View Answer, 6. Understand and answer the question solve until you get it. Creates a hidden Intent C. Creates an implicit Intent c) aol.com E. Content Provider E. Libraries Which of the following mobile platform support hundreds of thousands of third-party applications? D. The application manifest file The vertical distance between the springing line and highest point of the inner curve of an arch is known as (A) Intrados (B) Rise (C) Spandril (D) Extrados. View Please provide me any guidelines for this. modernizations. Is this your first mobile project or have you successfully launched a dozen mobile apps? _______ of these files contains text values that you can use in your application? 10. 11. E. Package Manager c) Quadrangle B. XML resource files MS 201 Questions and Answers. a) A smartphone offers advanced calling features such as video calls or conferencing MOBILE DEVELOPMENT. This placement paper will cover aptitude questions that are asked in TCS recruitment drives and also strictly follows the pattern of questions asked in TCS interviews. C. Both A & B 27.09.2016 Grazh Guzik. D. on Create() 14. The Android project folder âres/â contain_____? Finish D. Dialer Manager Det er gratis at tilmelde sig og byde på jobs. Point out the wrong statement. c) Processing power Take the Quiz for competitions and exams. Technical Questions asked in TCS. How often does your company build custom software? b) A smartphone has a recognizable operating system In Technical MCQs candidates can get some 2** questions (carry more marks), each section will have negative marking, so candidates need to mark answers carefully. (Last Updated On: March 18, 2020) In Preparation for the ECE Board Exam make sure to expose yourself and familiarize in each and every questions compiled here taken from various sources including past Board Questions in Communications Engineering … b) Qualcomm c) JVS ANSWER: All of the above. F. None of these. In this video you will get all the common mcqs asked in TCS Online Proctored Assessment for Business Skills. 8.which class store additional information? A. my_layout.xml All Rights Reserved. Søg efter jobs der relaterer sig til Key expectations in building mobile applications tcs, eller ansæt på verdens største freelance-markedsplads med 18m+ jobs. In this video, I gave TCS MCQ questions to predict the output from the code. D. OnClickDetector D. Both A & C 6. TCS is one of the largest Indian company by market capitalization and one of the most trusted Indian brands worldwide. c) Google Voice 1. A. C. manifest A. before installed B. How do you like to work? Can we created mobile application using c# or vb.net for nokia? Ans: C. 13. A. Parcelable Bundle After installed E. Web Development Tools d) All of the mentioned c) Symbian A. Here’s the list of Best Reference Books in Cloud Computing. A. rated 4.7 /5 based on 1446 reviews toggle navigation algorithms divide and conquer greedy algorithms dynamic programming backtracking searching and sorting contests acm icpc hacker cup codejam codesprint codevita aspirations2020 … TCS will undertake mobile and web channel development to provide enhanced digital experience to its end customers. D. None of these, 10._____method is used to close an activity, A. B. manifest B. running A. In android application Which file holds to use the internet_____. Which of the following was built to serve as a mobile platform for Internet computing? ________ is slated to add both the Opera Mini 5 and Opera Mobile 10 browsers to the Brew mobile platform. Stop E. Background TCS will setup an Integration Center of Excellence to accelerate mass adoption of a new leading integration platform to boost business growth and meet personalization expectations. C. system file A. on Start() 18. © 2011-2020 Sanfoundry. d) None of the mentioned A. on Create Menu() Instant Access to Free Material Most of the companies conduct technical tests as a part of their placement selection process. F. None of these. D. Both A & C 12. How many mobile app projects have you managed?Help us understand your personal experience overseeing mobile software projects. (NJP), Assistant Sub Inspector Jobs age limit chest Pay, Degree Equivalence List of different Programs. A. create file Rate Us. A. before installed tcs, interview experience, interview preparation, how to prepare for tcs, tcs placement, tcs placement pattern, tcs placement preparation, programming geek. B. OnTapListener C. Both A & B C. Both A & B F. None of these. View Answer, 7. Key expectation in building mobile application a) Cost effectiveness b) Steady development c) Option 1 and 2 d) Single code base c) Windows Mobile Phone File building , User training In OOP inheritance refers to the ability to take more than one form. The level of difficulty lies between medium and hard for TCS Programming Language Efficiency Questions thus you must prepare well for tcs technical mcq questions. In which of the following computing, mobile device serves as the presentation platform or the display? 1. In the table below you will get to know about TCS Digital C MCQ Round. B. src View Answer, 9. d) All of the mentioned Extra Building a Mobile Application Development Framework IT@Intel White Paper Intel IT IT Best Practices Cloud Computing and Compute Continuum August 2012 With our framework, Intel’s development teams can evaluate the suitability of mobile applications for mobile use cases, follow governance standards, and identify the correct project deliverables for mobile deployment. E. gen Which of the following are essential characteristics of smartphone in cloud? A. B. TCS Technical Sections Questions with Solutions. a) iPhone b) Symbian c) Windows Mobile Phone d) None of the mentioned View Answer. Building Construction MCQ - Set 05 MCQ Building Construction Edit Practice Test: Question Set - 05. d) None of the mentioned … E. DataStore The src folder contains _____ of the following? b) Android a) When you develop an application for the cloud, you need multiple type of developer and then all the connected phones can use that application A. onStart Learn all about technical questions asked in Tech Mahindra. 2. You will find all the tcs question with answers. a) Snapdragon The main focus of these tests is on the technical skills and subject knowledge. B. Non-visible C. Close D. Both B & C B. intents E. A file that contains a single activity widget. D. None of these. F. None of these. TCS will also F. None of these. Tell us about you and your company and we'll share our processes and best practices. After you decided to create a mobile application and found an engineering team to help you with that, it’s time to write a precise list of specifications, so none of you gets lost. _____is the first callback method invoked by the system during an Activity life-cycle,? Which is a correct statement about an XML layout file of the following? Study Control Systems objective questions and answers, Quiz & MCQ to crack any interviews, competitive exams and entrance tests. D. Java source code 7. 13. 5. d) None of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned Which Eclipse plugin is required to develop Android application? b) Mobile E. on Create Context Menu() Please Sign up or sign in to vote. Android applications signed at the time _____. B. mylayout.xml c) A smartphone comes with a touchscreen D. None of these. D. A file that contains all application permission information Specifies the layout of android screen use_____file. 17. Notification Manager 9. What does the line of code achieve of the following?Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this,SecondActivity.class ); A. Data store Are we going to teach your team about so… Which of the following applications are processed locally on the phone? MCQ's Application for mobile. Mobile android applications MCQs 1. E. res/values/strings.xml Posted 8-Jan-12 1:48am. F. None of these. Point out the wrong statement. B. on Create Options Menu() b) Symbian C. Both A & B View Answer, 10. a) iPhone C. Extra Window Manager C. Both A & B Prior to this role he was the Global head of Manufacturing Business Group since the inception of the Industry based structure at TCS in 2008. B. Java Activity classes D. None of these. a) Windows Phone A. Activate and Activity 2. B. res/Text.xml A. content provider In a review meeting a moderator is a person who: a) Takes minutes of the meeting b) Takes telephone calls c) Mediates between people d) writes the documents to be reviewed . ______is not included in the Android application framework? TCS Interview Questions. C. res/layout/Main.xml F. None of these. VB.NET. A file that is used to draw the content of an Activity E. Widget A. res F. None of these. In memory, Activity doesn’t exist That is____state. d) None of the mentioned This is_____characteristic. 1. In Status data a _____use in the android system. Which is NOT a valid usage for Intents of the following? 4. TCS (Tata Consultancy Service) Limited is an Indian multinational company which deals in consultancy service and Information technology. E. Java source code files He is also a part of the TCS management team since the last 11 years. F. None of These. Which of the following factors needs to be considered while moving from smartphone execution to a virtual machine running in the cloud? B. C. myLayout.xml 1.Which of the following statement/s is/are correct a) SLAs should define roles responsibilities on both sides of the agreement b) SLAs should be regularly monitored and reports should be produced and circulated c) Underpinning contracts should be reviewed before SLAs are signed d) All of the above ans – All of the above B. Mobile Application Development Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Mobile application development is the process by which applications are developed for small low-power hand held devices such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones. D. Foreground C. layout b) Google.com A. AndroidManifest.xml Starts an activity. 1. B. a) Network bandwidth C. Both A & B a) Cloud services are having a major impact on cellular phone technology, and vice versa FALSE Executive Support System Is a non-flexible system Some of the tools of Expert Systems are WAX , Expert Ease EIS facilitates access from many places. For free of cost, the candidates can participate in the C#.Net Quiz. C. Both A & B 16. b) Very few smartphones come with native applications that consume Web services S Bharadwaj Reddy May 19, 2017 May 3, 2019. TCS NQT Quantitative Aptitude Questions and Answers PDF Download: The TCS Aptitude Questions 2019 covers from various topics such as Problems on Trains, Height and Distance, Simple Interest, Profit and Loss, Percentage, Calendar, Average, Volume and Surface Area, Numbers, Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M, Simplification, Surds and Indices, Chain Rule, Boats and Streams, Logarithm, Stocks and […] Able to execute arbitrary 3rd party applications . D. None of these. B. XML Robotics multiple choice questions and answers on Robotics MCQ questions quiz on Robotics objective type questions with answer for competitive exams and written test preparations for online robotics quiz Professionals, Teachers, Students and Kids Trivia Quizzes to test your knowledge on the subject. View Answer, 2. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Cloud Computing. Layout Views:42889. 42) When a fraction of assigned channel is reserved for handoffs, it is. Without entering any sign-in or login information, the applicants can take part in the C# Online Test. Mobile is set to be a key concern to businesses in the near future. MOBILE DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS Java ME Symbian UIQ S60 Android BlackBerry OVI Windows Mobile … D. Create an explicit Intent c) The codec that compresses the video content uses a block-oriented motion-compensation scheme a) Salesforce.com 1. To practice all areas of Cloud Computing, Here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. D. Android Development Tools F. None of these. d) All of the mentioned b) When you develop an application for the cloud, you need just one of developer and then all the connected phones can use that application B. Manifest file Which of the following mobile platform support hundreds of thousands of third-party applications? F. None of these. A layout PNG image file F. None of these. C. Both A & B Which is not a valid Android resource file name of the following? C. Both A and B A. View Answer. On this page, you will find TCS digital C MCQ Questions with Answers and the previous year questions asked in TCS Digital C MCQ Round. Which is not an Android component of the following? b) Memory C. Both A & B D. None of these, A. src TCS has revised Exams pattern by introducing two more sections in written exam i.e., Technical MCQ’s on C language and Coding, and updated the Quantitative Ability section where candidates need to answers 20 questions in 40 minutes. C. Both A & B Disclaimer: All these questions could be freely available on the internet, we are only charging students for the PrepInsta’s Mock Test experiences and Analytics as well as preparation for the exam. VB. B. harishtaware. D. onPause Control Systems Objective Questions & Answers – Set 8. a) Soft Users can become easily frustrated when faced with performance and usability issues. C. starting F. None of these. After installed C. Both A and B D. None … D. None of these. A. R Which is not an Activity lifecycle call-back method of the following? The applicants can see the right option along with the explanation to all the C#.Net Questions. TCS Digital C MCQ Round is also known as Programming Logic Round. B. F. None of these. It is headquartered in Mumbai, India.It is a part of the Tata group and operates in 46 countries. D. All of these, A. Java source code 1. D. on Menu Created() View Answer, 8. 9. c) Mobile application developers are staging their apps in the cloud, and a number of hosting services provide support for this A. initial E. Activate an SQLite DB Connection. 8. Service Key points in building a mobile app requirements document. ______of the following is not defined as a process state? Create an explicit Intent E. Both B & C E. res/values/strings.xml F. None these! Development to provide enhanced Digital experience to its end customers  Activity doesn ’ exist... The Tata group and operates in 46 countries mobile Lite is an extension the... 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