Stockholm Metro extensions will see a new section on the Yellow Line from Odenplan to Arenastaden. Stockholm’s Tunnelbana metro system is both modern and extensive. This project is so important for the future of the region that the government, Region Stockholm and municipalities joined to fund the expansion project. August 1982. Operator. Helsinki Metro Expansion. Finland's city of Helsinki is home to the world's most northerly metro system, which has overcome strong opposition to e. City population. Expansion is in progress. METRO is a three year project. This section will have 4.1 km served by three stations. Because the project is closely linked to practitioners, such as Stockholm Public Transport (SL), the research results will be directly applied and tested in real underground rail mass transport systems, namely the Stockholm Metro. Opening date. Stockholm’s metro system has been put at the centre of a long-term masterplan to map the city’s development over the next 60 years. Stockholm 2070 – a new study put together by Skanska, Sweco and operator MTR – sees the growth of the city’s metro system as central to allowing the city to cope with the predicted rise in population and environmental challenges. A new expansion project, starting in late 2018, will build a new four-kilometer metro line from Odenplan to Arenastaden, with 3 new substations. Stockholm’s existing congestion pricing scheme was expanded in terms of price and geographic area to increase revenues in order to help fund the metro construction. The Blue line will also be extended to Gullmarsplan and connected to the Green Hagsätra line branch. China Railway Tunnel Group (CRTG) has won an early contract on Stockholm’s planned metro expansion project, drawing criticism from Swedish contractors who say the price is unrealistic. 555,000 (central Helsinki), 1.2 million Greater Helsinki conurbation. It was started 15 December 2009 and will finish on 15 December 2012. By 2017, Sverigeförhandlingen (Sweden negotiations) agreed to build a completely new metro through western Stockholm with 6 new stations and completion with another station on one of the stretches that was part of the Stockholm negotiations. The Metro, currently transporting more than a million travellers a day, will be expanded to accommodate even more passengers and to permit the construction of many more new homes. Stockholm County Council is responsible for the expansion of the new Metro: nearly 20 km of new track and 11 new stations on four different sections to Nacka, to Arenastaden and to Barkarby. The expanded congestion pricing scheme takes effect in 2016 and will to reduce traffic levels as well as greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in Stockholm County. The project. The expanded congestion pricing scheme takes effect in 2016 and will reduce traffic levels as well as greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in Stockholm County. Stockholm’s existing congestion pricing scheme was expanded in terms of price and geographic area to increase revenues in order to help fund the metro construction. Helsinki City Transport. The latest news and analysis of the global railway industry from the world's leading international publication. The deal, agreed by the schemes’ developer Region Stockholm, concerns three worker-access tunnels that CRTG will build for around $28m.
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