The additional definition of KM above, “Yet One More Definition of KM,” the forest of the trees, also makes the case that the definition of KM is now very broad. Those consulting organizations quickly disseminated the principles and the techniques of KM to other organizations, to professional associations, and to disciplines. The implication is clear that KM leaders should be involved in the decision making process for designing the organization’s compensation policy, a process that is very sensitive politically and fraught with difficulty. There is no single generally accepted definition of the subject because its development has drawn heavily on several more firmly established disciplines, including sociology, political science, economics and general manage- ment. The intent, of course, was to avoid any such fiasco in the future. What is in it for that sales rep to share her new discovery when the most likely result is that next year her bonus would be substantially reduced? That first stage has been described using a horse breeding metaphor as “by the internet out of intellectual capital,” the sire and the dam. The Information Environment and the Productivity of Research. The changes needed in corporate culture to facilitate and encourage information and knowledge sharing can be major and profound. Retrieved from These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in individual workers. In the beginning, they are conscious of the steps, but eventually it becomes a matter course. Below are the graphs for three hot management topics (or fads) of recent years: Quality Circles, 1977-1986Source: Abrahamson ,1996, Total Quality Management, 1990-2001Source: Ponzi & Koenig, 2002, Business Process Reengineering, 1990-2001 Source: Ponzi & Koenig, 2002. Locating the right expert with the knowledge that you need, though, can be a problem, particularly if, for example, the expert is in another country. (2004). As this recognition of the importance of human factors unfolded, two major themes from the business literature were brought into the KM domain. The experiences in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria have made this process almost automatic in the military. Key words: knowledge management, business schools, education, faculty, students, courses. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishers for the American Society for Information Science. Such printed credentials can be patent rights and instruction booklet. The main goal of knowledge management is to improve an organization's efficiency and save knowledge within the company. Special Report Getting Smart about Compliance Automation, A Knowledge-Streaming Enterprise for Turbulent Times: 2020 KMWorld Digital Transformation Research, Fast Insights Through Knowledge Graphs and Machine Learning, Information Service Support (training required), data mining best practices / lessons learned/after action analysis, directories, "yellow pages" (expertise locators), selection of items for alerting purposes / push, spaces - libraries & lounges (literal & virtual), cultural support, groupware. A short demonstration convinced him otherwise. Communities of practice: Learning, meaning and identity. The costs of training a fighter pilot were huge, and if the appropriate characteristics leading to success could be identified, that training could be directed to the most appropriate candidates, and of those trained the most appropriate could be selected for front-line assignment. This aspect of KM might be described as Librarianship 101, putting your organization’s information and data up online, plus selected external information, and providing the capability to seamlessly shift to searching, more or less, the entire web. In many cases the examination will reveal that the culture needs to be modified and enriched. The hallmark terms for the third stage of KM are taxonomy and content. Data analytics and machine learning were powerful tools to help accomplish this, but notice the word “help.” Those tools will not replace the need for good and intelligent human guidance, training, and oversight. Retrieved from, Ponzi, L., & Koenig, M.E.D. Schools in Asia Pacific have long faced a variety of challenges in terms of sustainable development under the education reforms and curriculum reforms to meet the demands of a knowledge society. If she shares the knowledge, she jeopardizes the size of her bonus, which is based on her comparative performance. This model is rationalized by abstract theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. By the next year, 1999, HR was the largest single group, displacing IT attendees from first place. Building Confidence as the Central Focus of Education. The major international consulting firms were very aware of this and led the movement to substitute the new more appropriate term. If the list is so long, and they have so major a theme in common, has there not been some recognition that all these trees constitute a forest? It extends to how does one structures the organizational culture to facilitate and encourage knowledge sharing, and that extends to how one structures the organization’s compensation scheme. The most compelling analysis is the bibliometric one, simply counting the number of articles in the business literature and comparing that to other business enthusiasms. New York, NY: Doubleday Currency. Increasingly KM is seen as ideally encompassing the whole bandwidth of information and knowledge likely to be useful to an organization, including knowledge external to the organization—knowledge emanating from vendors, suppliers, customers, etc., and knowledge originating in the scientific and scholarly community, the traditional domain of the library world. Both were not only about the human factors of KM implementation and use; they were also about knowledge creation as well as knowledge sharing and communication. It would also provide the basis for a practical teacher training program to provide teachers with clearly defined professional teaching competencies. Then, gathered information is organized, stored, shared, and analyzed using defined techniques. The salient aspect that emerges with overwhelming importance is that of rich, deep, and open communications, not only within the firm, but also with the outside world. A good recent example derives from Rolls Royce’s sale of a subsidiary company. Wyeth expected it to be a notable success because, unlike its morning, noon, and night competitors, it needed to be administered only once a day, and that would make it much easier for the caregiver to ensure that the child followed the drug regimen, and it would be less onerous for the child. It helps create a systematic way of thinking about learning and managing knowledge. How is the CoP managed, and who will fill the management role? The after action comments above under Lessons Learned illustrate this important point. It would be very hard to come up with a very much shorter list of management topics and enthusiasms of the same era that were not related to the management of information and knowledge or to the management of information processing functions. Stay up-to-date on everything KM - Subscribe to KMWorld NewsLinks and more today. Some questions that need to be thought about and resolved are: KM was initially driven primarily by IT, information technology, and the desire to put that new technology, the Internet, to work and see what it was capable of. Knowledge itself is a very slippery concept with many different variations and definitions. That is, they are abstract statements defined by other abstract statements. See the comments below under the “Third Stage of KM” section. The retiree, in response to a current issue says "it occurs to me that ..." and elicits a response something like “yes, the situation is somewhat similar , but here ...,” a discussion unfolds, the retiree contributes some of the needed expertise, and a solution is generated. The late 20th Century, extending into the 21st Century, was characterized by an almost continuous stream of information and knowledge-related topics and enthusiasms. The reasons were that "lessons learned" was a broader and more inclusive term and because "best practice" seemed too restrictive and could be interpreted as meaning there was only one best practice in a situation. Such systems also often have a feature by which the requester can flag the request as a priority, and the system can then match high priority to high expertise rank. Below is a list of those enthusiasms, in roughly chronological order, with the earlier at the top of the list. Since knowledge resides in people, often the best way to acquire the expertise that you need is to talk with an expert. There are typically three sources from which to supply data for an expertise locator system: (1) employee resumes, (2) employee self-identification of areas of expertise (typically by being requested to fill out a form online), and (3) algorithmic analysis of electronic communications from and to the employee. One antecedent to KM that we have all seen portrayed was the World War II debriefing of pilots after a mission. Most successful lessons learned implementations have concluded that such a system needs to be monitored and that there needs to be a vetting and approval mechanism for items that are posted as lessons learned. Risks to successful knowledge management 27 Appendices I. These questions need to be carefully thought out and resolved, and the mechanisms designed and put in place, before a lessons-learned system is launched. The first step is to be alert and to establish good situational awareness. As Durham (2004) points out, there are several key roles to be filled. In one-way or another, to improve efficiency and increase productivity, many use knowledge management. One interesting way to look at KM is that, in fact, KM has expanded to become and is now the recognition of that forest of trees (McInerney and Koenig, 2011), that KM is a much better and more recognized name than “information driven management.” It is interesting that this stream of trees, to mix metaphors, has dwindled dramatically since the appearance of KM as an important topic. Are postings open or does someone vet or edit the postings? Knowledge management is essentially about getting the right knowledge to the right person at the right time. Knowledge Management Explained. The hallmark phrase of Stage 2 was “communities of practice,” CoPs. ), Recent Advances in Chemical Information, (pp. KM therefore extends far beyond just structuring information and knowledge and making it more accessible. ), Annual Review of Information Science and Technology: Volume 25, (pp. When the Internet arose, those organizations quickly realized that an intranet, an in-house subset of the Internet, was a wonderful tool with which to make information accessible and to share it among the geographically dispersed units of their organizations. A few years after the Davenport definition, the Gartner Group created another definition of KM, which has become the most frequently cited one (Duhon, 1998), and it is given below: "Knowledge management is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise's information assets. Looked at in this light, KM extends into environmental scanning and competitive intelligence. ", Information Research, 8(1). Duhon, Bryant (1998), It's All in our Heads. The analysis of such information will be based on resources, documents, people and their skills. The presentation here includes some minor modifications, but the captivating C, E, and H mnemonics are entirely IBM's: From: Tom Short, Senior consultant, Knowledge Management, IBM Global Services (Note however the comments below under “Tacit.”). “Knowledge Management is a new branch of management for achieving breakthrough business performance through the synergy of people, processes, and technology. Medford NJ: Information Today, for The American Society for Information Science and Technology. The answer certainly appears to be yes. So there is a place for them. Koenig, M.E.D. Knowledge management is often associated with information technology but it is an integral part of many organizations. Rather quickly, however, the concept of KM became much broader than that. Your email address will not be published. Similarly, the U. S. Navy Submarine Service, after a very embarrassing and lengthy experience of torpedoes that failed to detonate on target, and an even more embarrassing failure to follow up on consistent reports by submarine captains of torpedo detonation failure, instituted a mandatory system of widely disseminated "Captain's Patrol Reports." Another bellwether is that TFPL’s report of their October 2001 CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) Summit reported that for the first time taxonomies emerged as a topic, and it emerged full blown as a major topic (TFPL,  2001  Knowledge Strategies – Corporate Strategies.) How long do items stay in the system? While incorporating knowledge management into any organization, the importance of knowledge must remain a priority. CoPs are groups of individuals with shared interests that come together in person or virtually to tell stories, to share and discuss problems and opportunities, discuss best practices, and talk over lessons learned (Wenger, 1998; Wenger & Snyder, 1999). In the KM context, the emphasis is upon capturing knowledge embedded in personal expertise and making it explicit. This is, in a way, the most straightforward way of explaining what KM is—to delineate what the operational components are that constitute what people have in mind when they talk about a KM system. We have learned Walter’s model first hand and it is really in tune with our needs to deliver meaningful content to our clients at, Your email address will not be published. In the early days of KM the term ‘Yellow Pages” was commonly used, but now that term is fast disappearing from our common vocabulary, and expertise location is, in any case, rather more precise. At the teaching knowledge level, confidence becomes solid as they rise above emotion and look objectively at what there is to know and what they want to know. Its focus is on the management of change, uncertainty, and complexity.” This idea seems straightforward enough, and debriefing the retiree and those with whom he works closely about what issues they perceive as likely to surface or that could possibly arise is obvious common sense. The most obvious technique is the application of the lessons learned idea—just treat the retiree’s career as a long project that is coming to its end and create an after action report, a massive data dump. I would love to hear more about what it might look like for adolescent learners. It is important to understand that abstract educational models are not necessarily bad. & Takeuchi, H. (1995). All learning theories are abstract. This raises the issue, discussed below, that KM is much more than content management. However, a new product needs a name, and the name that emerged was Knowledge Management. Early in the KM movement, the phrase most often used was "best practices," but that phrase was soon replaced with "lessons learned." Knowledge management is the systematic management of an organization's knowledge assets for the purpose of creating value and meeting tactical & strategic requirements; it consists of the initiatives, processes, strategies, and systems that sustain and enhance the storage, assessment, sharing, refinement, and creation of knowledge. Similarly, organizations find that when workers relinquish a dedicated company office to work online from home or on the road, the natural knowledge sharing that occurs in social spaces needs to be replicated virtually. This is also a good example of the point that despite the fact that KM developed first in a very for-profit corporate context, it is applicable far more broadly, such as in the context of government and civil society. Knowledge Management: Another Management Fad?" There must be a system whereby someone, typically someone in KM, is assigned the responsibility to do the debriefing, to separate the wheat from the chaff, to create the report, and then to ensure that the lessons learned are captured and disseminated. (2002). Also, knowledge accumulated in electronic depository can be helpful in this process. The actions at the end of that sentence are the most critical component. Are employees free to submit to the system un-vetted? How do you defend and protect yourself? London: Royal Society of Chemistry. What You Know You Know — and Don’t Know. Not surprisingly, they quickly realized that in building tools and techniques such as dashboards, expertise locators, and best practice (lessons learned) databases, they had acquired an expertise which was in effect a new product that they could market to other organizations, particularly to organizations which were large, complex, and dispersed. The classic one-line definition of Knowledge Management was offered up by Tom Davenport early on (Davenport, 1994): “Knowledge Management is the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge.”. ), Knowledge Management: Lessons Learned: What Works and What Doesn't. It is the productive use of knowledge that is the key to success. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Inform, September, 12 (8). About ISKME. If we chart the number of articles in the business literature with the phrase “Knowledge Management” or the abbreviation “KM” in the title, we get the chart below, with an order of magnitude more literature: It does indeed look as though KM is no mere enthusiasm; KM is here to stay. He is Professor Emeritus at Long Island University and is the former and founding dean of the College of Information and Computer Science. In this piece, we’ll expand on that definition of knowledge management with some concrete examples, and then illustrate exactly why knowledge management is such an important area of focus for businesses and for employee support teams like IT, HR, and Finance. (This was of course before the proliferation of chips in automobiles and the advent of user manuals that were inches thick.) If the sales rep were to explain to the physician that the therapy should be conveyed to the caregiver as the pill and a glass of orange juice taken simultaneously at breakfast, then there was no dissatisfaction and sales were fine. Second, Situational Awareness is a term only recently, beginning in 2015, used in the context of KM. (2002). This is the level of emotional control where they stand and say “look at how much I know” and “look at what I can do”. It consists of a cycle of creating, sharing, structuring and auditing knowledge, in order to maximize the effectiveness of an organization’s collective knowledge. Probably no better or more succinct single-line definition has appeared since. As described above, the management consulting community jumped at the new capabilities provided by the Internet, using it first for themselves, realizing that if they shared knowledge across their organization more effectively they could avoid reinventing the wheel, underbid their competitors, and make more profit. Most business enthusiasms grow rapidly and reach a peak after about five years, and then decline almost as rapidly as they grew. The fact that the baby boomer bulge is now reaching retirement age is making this issue increasingly important. 23-36). The term apparently was first used in its current context at McKinsey in 1987 for an internal study on their information handling and utilization (McInerney and Koenig, 2011). A particularly instructive example of a "lesson learned" is one recounted by Mark Mazzie (2003), a well known KM consultant. Required fields are marked *, Walter Smith | Learning Design Consultant, Affective Learning Systems, Dan Donaldson | Associate Provost, Lock Haven University, Laurie Borowicz | President, Kishwaukee College, Joseph Cassidy | Assistant Vice President for Economic Development and Dean of Continuing Education and Public Services, College of DuPage, Nina Morel | Executive Director of Coaching and Leadership Development in the College of Business, Lipscomb University. It was emphasized that a key purpose of the report was both to make recommendations about strategy for senior officers to mull over, and recommendations about tactics for other skippers and submariners to take advantage of (McInerney and Koenig, 2011). Knowledge management tools provide fast, intuitive access to the right information across any number of sources and at a single point of inquiry. Harvard Business Review,  March-April, 72 (2)pp. Whether you’re developing a KM strategy or want best practices from organizations with longstanding KM programs, APQC gives you access to an array of trusted resources and tools. Who will have overall responsibility for coordinating and overseeing the various CoPs? Parts of articles as I write them their institutional or collective knowledge assets overload any particular.! Helpful in this process gathering, developing, sharing, and Technology: Volume 25 what is knowledge management in education (.! Analyzed using defined techniques to professional associations, and retrieving information in decision-making culture needs to be done, it. And overseeing the various CoPs the culture needs to be involved with in the future theories discretionary... Iraq, Afghanistan, and update business knowledge and making it more accessible he the. 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